Personal Trainer Quick Tip
Importance of Post-Workout Nutrient Timing!

Last week we discussed the importance of what to consume post workout. The results showed a high glycemic carbohydrate, like sugar, and whey protein combined in a shake spiked insulin and increased protein synthesis, best. But when should you have the drink? The timing is just as important as what you’re consuming. A study was conducted with two groups. One group had the carb/protein drink 3 hours after exercise and the other group immediately after exercise. The results were astounding. The group who consumed the drink immediately after exercise had three times the protein synthesis as the other group! Also, net protein balance (protein synthesis minus protein breakdown) stayed positive in the immediate group and actually went negative in the 3 hour group! Basically the 3 hour group wasn’t building new lean muscle, whereas the immediate group saw increases in lean muscle.
Now don’t freak out if you can’t get your post workout shake in immediately. The general rule is within 45 minutes and you’ll be fine. You will still see all the benefits shown above!
Written By: Robert Jost NSCA-cpt, ACE-cpt
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