Tight Hips

  • Tight Hips? Let’s Get Them Loose!
    Cherry Hill sports performance, Fit and healthy, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, The scoop in all, Tight Hips

    Tight Hips? Let’s Get Them Loose!

    Top 5 Ways to Stretch the Hips for Hockey Players If you’re a hockey player, these stretches are great for opening up the hip region, especially if you’re experiencing tightness in the groin, hip flexor, or hamstrings. From the constant grind of the skating motion, you may experience tightness in these areas, but don’t worry,…

  • 3 exercises for hip relief
    Cherry Hill sports performance, Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, Stretches, The scoop in all, Tight Hips

    3 exercises for hip relief

    Top 3 Ways to Stretch the Hips for Hockey Players Using Foam Rolling If you’re a hockey player, for that matter. We understand the struggle of dealing with tight hips. Hours spent skating weekly, driving from game to game, and traveling across states can put your legs through a beating. Consequently, you may experience lower…

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