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Setting Yourself Up for Success: Preparing for the Next Competition

Training Aspects, Sports Performance, Fitness, Workouts, Improve Performance, Successful Training, Weightlifting

The demands of the season can be intense, affecting both our bodies and minds. So, how can we better prepare ourselves for the next game? Here are four essential strategies to elevate your preparation for upcoming competitions or games:

1. Prioritize Proper Sleep

While younger athletes may feel like they can pull an all-nighter before a game with little impact, as we get older, it becomes clear that this habit isn’t sustainable for peak performance. Sleep is critical to high-quality play but is often overlooked. Aim for 6-8 hours of rest two nights before and the night before competition to minimize performance deficiencies. While daily life—like school, work, and other responsibilities—can affect sleep, prioritizing quality rest makes a significant difference.

2. Focus on Nutrition and Hydration

How much attention do you give to your pre-game and post-game meals? Fueling your body with the right nutrients before a competition can profoundly impact your performance. Foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins provide energy, but the wrong choices can make you feel sluggish or depleted earlier than expected. Before game day, consider trying out pre-competition meals or carb-loading strategies during practices to gauge how your body responds. Experimenting ahead of time helps you optimize energy levels without unwanted surprises.

3. Optimize Recovery

Recovery is more than just getting enough sleep. Comprehensive recovery includes proper rest, smart and efficient workouts, strength maintenance, injury rehab, and stress management. Recognize how your body responds after intense physical activities, particularly if you’re involved in high-contact sports like football, hockey, or basketball. For some, recovery might involve light weight training or moderate exercise, while others benefit from stretching, yoga, or even breathing exercises. Take a day or two off after demanding games or workouts, then return to the regimen that works best for you.

4. Enhance Mental Preparation

Mental preparation is often underemphasized, yet it’s crucial. Are you watching game footage, taking notes, and reviewing both strengths and areas for improvement? Visualization can be a powerful tool—imagine yourself making the right play, scoring the winning point, or achieving your goals. Practicing mental reps and going through movements in your mind can build confidence and sharpen focus for game day.

Success Starts in Preparation

Success in competition isn’t just about physical skill; it requires balanced attention to sleep, nutrition, recovery, and mental preparation. By prioritizing quality sleep, fueling correctly, committing to recovery routines, and mentally preparing, athletes can improve performance and resilience throughout the season. These strategies support both physical and mental readiness, setting you up for success in every game and helping you reach your full athletic potential.

Written By:

Darrid Watson, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

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