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How To Never Get Knocked Off The Puck Again Part 1

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How To Never Get Knocked Off The Puck Again Part 1

This is a huge topic in every hockey players mind! How can I get stronger on the puck and not get pushed around. Increase strength is an obvious answer but how and what kind of strength is actually needed? That’s what we’re going to break down in this multi-part series!

Single Leg Stability

Your ability to stabilize yourself on one leg will be essential to maximize your strength on the puck and be able to hold anyone off trying to take the puck away from you. As your skating you almost always transferring you weight to one side as you stride, if you’re unable to stay strong on that one leg, someone will come knock you over with ease.

Top 3 single leg stability exercises:


Hip Weight Transfer

How you transfer the weight of your hips might be the number one thing to focus on when it comes to improving your strength on the puck. If you can understand how to position your hips effectively and be strong in those positions, no one is knocking you off the puck!

Top 3 Hip Weight Transfer Exercises:


Stay tuned for part 2 next week when we break down our other top two performance increases to never get knocked off the puck again!




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Suggested Article: Hockey In-Season Do’s and Don’ts – Conditioning


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