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Female Athlete ACL Injury Prevention Training Part 1

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Female Athlete ACL Injury Prevention Training Part 1

One of the most prevalent injuries in the young female athlete population, the ACL. It’s one of the most feared injuries because of the long recovery time and high likely hood of re-injury. With the proper sports performance training methods being focused on there is no need to fear this injury as your body, especially the muscles and joints needed to protect your knees with be super strong and ready to take on anything! Here’s a quick breakdown of our top 4 training techniques to focus on.

In part 1 of this 2 part series we’re going to break down our first two training essentials to prevent ACL injuries.


Quite possibly the most important piece of a good ACL injury prevention training program. Without a strong stable foundation the knees are much more likely to absorb a lot of the force that the hips and ankles should be absorbing. Here is a quick breakdown of what to focus on when performing any squatting, lunging movements, especially single leg!


Landing Mechanics

Another essential attribute in training for ACL injury prevention is your landing mechanics. How you are landing and absorbing force is going to dictate whether your knees are taking the brunt of the force or if it’s being absorbed evenly throughout the body. When landing efficiently you want to distribute the force through your legs (quads and hamstrings) , hips and glutes, as well as the ankles and feet. Here is a quick breakdown.

Stay tuned for our other top 2 ACL injury prevention training techniques in next weeks article! If yo uhave any questions or would like to learn we are laways here to help, don’t hesitate to reach out!



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