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Elite Sprint Transitions for Speed and Explosiveness

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Elite Sprint Transitions for Speed and Explosiveness

  Transitions are usually one of the most poorly performed athletic movements we see by new athletes. The loading mechanics and how they absorb into the transitions is usually way off. The main reason for this is typically they are just never taught properly! Today we’ll break down the top things to look out for when performing your transitions and how to fix them for optimal performance!

Poor Transition Mechanics

  • Body Leaning over
  • Over running the cone
  • Not loading into the hips or bending the knees enough
  • Studder steps
  • Not loading the body on the proper angle
  • Poor hip extension or push off

Optimal Transition Mechanics

  • Body in a straight line on the proper angle
  • Loading before the cone
  • Loading into the hips and bending the knees
  • Load and explode out
  • Full hip extension with an explosive push off

Here’s a full video breakdown to give you the visual.

Transition mechanics can be a very complicated process to master! So don’t get frustrated if you can’t get it first try, it takes time and repetition! If you’re having trouble understanding the mechanics or just have some questions don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re always ready to help!



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Suggested Article: Top 3 Sprint Mechanics

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