Top three reasons you’re not achieving your goal
Many people buy programs, hire coaches, or sign up for workshops to try to achieve their goals. Oftentimes, the issue is that the program, coach, or workshop doesn’t fit the needs of the person. Most personal training sites showcase their “then and now” pictures or feature top celebrities and professional athletes. The problem is, what worked for them may not work for you.
Here are three things to look for when hiring or starting a personal training or sports performance program:
- Don’t Overcommit: The majority of people I sit down with to discuss training goals are excited and ready to sacrifice everything… until 7-10 days pass and they feel overwhelmed or start questioning how long they can keep it up. Changing habits is challenging. It’s important to start slow; pick one or two habits to add that you can stay consistent with. If you haven’t consistently worked out and you commit to 3-4 days a week, that’s a huge change. Adding a strict diet and altering personal habits is also a significant lifestyle change. Personal trainer solution: Hire a trainer or coach to help you become consistent with working out and perhaps add a goal like “drink more water.” It’s a great start. Consistency is key, not intensity.
- Accountability Buddy: Many people don’t realize the importance of having good examples in their lives. If your friends,coworkers, or family members around you eat unhealthy, you’re in for a tough ride. Even people who love us sometimes prefer that we stay the same. If you start getting healthy, who are they going to enjoy food and drinks with? Personal trainer solution: Find someone in your daily life who will keep you accountable. The trainer or coach is only with you a few times a week and may text you a couple of times. Who’s going to keep you honest and challenge you outside the gym?
- Journal: Keep an active account of each session—feelings, thoughts, food, sleep, etc., before the session. Then, commit to the goals of the session for that day. Finally, reflect on how it went. Setting intentions for each session and ensuring your mind and body are prepped before, during, and after the session is essential. On less productive days, refer back to what might have happened—what you ate, how much you slept, life issues, etc. The more variables you can manage, the greater your chances of success. Personal trainer solution: This is often the hardest piece to apply but holds the greatest accountability factor for results. Make it a habit; it doesn’t have to take long—just 2-5 minutes before and after. It will become a worthwhile habit.
Hiring a personal trainer or performance coach is a great step towards achieving success. The hardest part of having a trainer is that they can only lead; they can’t do it for you. Find someone whose leadership style and program connect with you so that you buy in. Regardless of whom they’ve helped in the past, what equipment they have, or how well put-together they seem to be, the question remains: will you follow the program and commit to the lifestyle, not just for a few months, but actually make it a lasting change? Understand your needs and desires and finally succeed on this fitness and performance journey.
Written by:
Kirill Vaks
Take action… Now!
Visit us: Inside of the Flyers Training Center 601 Laurel Oak Rd. Voorhees, NJ 08043