
3 habits to implement to decrease body fat

Personal training information and tips to get you to perform at your best

3  quick start tips  to losing body fat quickly:

Small habits are the difference of a lean and not so lean body fat composition. By adding 3 simple habits can make a difference in less than 3 weeks. Start with one and depending on how experienced you may be, add the others.

Body fat Tip 1: Increase Water Intake

Boost your water consumption to enhance metabolism and overall bodily functions. Aim for 4 water bottles a day (40-60 fl. oz each). Staying hydrated not only supports fat loss but also helps with energy levels and digestion.

Body fat Tip 2: Set a Workout Schedule

Establish a clear start and stop time for your workouts. Begin with a commitment to just 15-20 minutes, three times a week. As you build consistency, gradually increase the duration and frequency. This manageable approach helps maintain motivation and discipline.

Body fat Tip 3: Boost Fiber Intake

Incorporate more fiber into your diet to support digestion and keep you feeling full. Aim for around 30 grams for men and 25 grams for women daily. Start by adding whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which will also help reduce cravings for processed foods.

lose body fat through Training aspects personal training programs.

These small, sustainable changes can lead to noticeable results in less than three weeks!


Written by:

Kirill Vaks

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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance locations:

Voorhees Flyers Training center.

Ice land hockey rink

The Hollydell ice arena, in the main building.

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