
What to look for in your Coconut water

Coconut water quality, what to look for, Healthy Choice

Coconut water quality, what to look for

The question of Coconut water versus sports drink was discussed in our last article. Though Coconut water did not come out victorious in the electrolyte battle, it is still one of the best choices for general fluid needs, over juices, sodas and sports drinks. Coconut water isn’t cheap, here are 4 things to keep an eye out for to make sure you’re getting the greatest value for your body and your wallet.

 1. Pasteurizing coconut water with heat:

Coconut water is naturally perishable. It must be kept cold. To extend shelf life, many co

Coconut water quality, what to look for, Healthy Choice

mpanies use high heat to kill bacteria and extend shelf life.Killing bacteria may be a plus, but it also loses it vitamins minerals, enzymes and if those don’t bother you, it’s flavor! If coconut water is from concentrate, the heat process is performed twice.

2. Adopting water from mature coconuts:

The value of the coconut come from the young green coconuts. The older the coconut the less nutrients are in the water and the more is in the pulp of the coconut. Mature coconuts are better for making coconut milk,

3. Adding preservatives to flavor and sweeten coconut water:

Usually the first sign of a mature coconut being used and an acidic taste being given off. To mask the taste, companies add “natural flavors” or sweeteners.

4. Dipping coconuts in chemicals for transport:

When shipping the coconuts into the US, companies will worry of coconut preservation. non-organic coconuts are usually preserved for transport. To preserve them, the coconuts are dipped in known carcinogens – formaldehyde or sodium metabisulphite. If the chemical seeps through, it’ll poison the coconut and you guessed it transfer into your delicious coconut water.
Coconut water is delicious, nutritious, refreshing but also expensive. If you’re spending 2 to 3 dollars per 12oz make sure you’re getting the most nutrient value for your money. Stay tuned for companies to look for and stay away from in the coconut world.

Article By:
Kirill Vaks

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