Kettlebells have become a very popular training style in the past 5-10years, in the USA. The Kettlebells, unlike many other popular fads, are here to stay. Besides being one of the most effective ways of training, whether to lose weight or for athletic performance, they can also be used for people with bad knees who have trouble squatting, lunging or pretty much doing any exercise for their lower body. If you have bad knees and are in too much pain to do lower body exercises, it is very hard to accomplish your fitness goals. The article written by Dr. Ben Fung goes into more detail anatomically on how the kettlebells can help people with knee pain, specifically. I will elaborate and share some more examples in the upcoming article on effective kettlebell exercises for people with knee pain and looking to lose weight. click the picture to read his article “Kettlebells for knee pain”.

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns
Suggested articles:
* 6 ways, weight loss plateau
* 5 Don’ts
Suggested Video:
*Kettlebell Basics
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