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Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Gives 6 Tips on Improving Insulin Sensitivity and Increasing Fat Loss

Training Aspects, Personal Trainer, Insulin, Insulin Sensitivity, Exercise and Insulin Effects

6 Tips for Improving Insulin Sensitivity and Increasing Fat Loss

Training Aspects, Personal Trainer, Insulin, Insulin Sensitivity, Exercise and Insulin Effects

If insulin sensitivity is of concern, it’s not hard to get it tested, just ask a doctor for a fasting plasma glucose test.  Maximizing insulin sensitivity should be a priority for anyone interested in improving their health and minimizing their diabetes risk.  Here are 6 tips to make that happen.

Personal Trainer Tip #1

Exercise Regularly:  Exercising 3-4 times a week can improve nearly every health marker there is, and insulin sensitivity is no exception.

Personal Trainer Tip #2

Get Plenty of Sleep:  Getting adequate sleep is crucial to keep the body functioning smoothly, and that includes hormone production

Personal Trainer Tip #3

Eat Fewer Carbohydrates, especially simple carbs:  Eating lots of carbs makes us produce a lot of insulin, so it’s best to follow a diet that’s low in simple and processed carbs.

Personal Trainer Tip #4

Eat Slow-Digesting Foods:  When foods digest slowly, the sugars take longer to hit the bloodstream, and insulin is released more gradually.  Healthy fats, fiber, and protein are all great examples and should make up a significant portion of our diets.

Personal Trainer Tip #5

Drink Green Tea: Drinking plenty of green tea has been shown to significantly reduce blood sugar concentrations, but ditch the milk.  It can undermine tea’s circulatory benefits.

Personal Trainer Tip #6

Keep Body Fat Low: However it’s achieved, simply being lean can improve insulin sensitivity.  There’s never been a better reason to train for fat loss!

Written By: Shannon ACSM-cpt

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