Weight Loss
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, Weight Loss
Personal Trainer’s Top 5 Reasons to Start Using Battle Ropes Today!
Top 5 Reasons to Start Using Battle Ropes Today! Battle ropes are a hot topic these days in the training and personal training field. It’s not a fad, battle ropes are a very effective way of training. Here are the top 5 reasons you should consider adding battle ropes to your workout regimen. Personal Trainer…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Quick Tip: How Do You Know If You’re Losing Fat?
Almost everyone would like to lose some weight, but is it the number on the scale you want to lose or body fat? How do you know if you’re actually losing body fat? Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Tip #1 You’re consistently losing a pound or two a week – It’s physically impossible to lose or…
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Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
Cherry Hill Personal Trainer’s 5 Tips For Leading a Healthier Lifestyle
5 Small Changes You Can Make to Lead a Healthier Lifestyle Have you ever sat and thought–I can’t lose weight or get fit or change my life because it’s too hard or takes too much time? We’ve all had those thoughts, but did you know, small changes do make a difference! Small changes slowly add…
Training Aspects -
Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
Continued, Overcoming Leptin Resistance and Improving Fat Loss
Personal Trainer Explains How to Overcome Leptin Resistance and Improve Fat Loss! Continued from last week’s article Thankfully, not only can leptin resistance be prevented but it can be overcome as well! Leptin resistance is usually caused by a very poor diet consisting of a lot of sugar, products containing high fructose corn syrup, and…
Training Aspects -
Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
The secret to your weight loss problem
Personal trainer reveals weight loss secret: Leptin! What is it? And How it Affects your Body? What Is Leptin: Leptin is a protein produced in the fat cells, it then circulates through the bloodstream, and is delivered to the brain. The leptin hormone has gone by many names including the “obesity hormone,” the “fat hormone,”…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
Cherry Hill Personal trainer top 3 weight loss tips
If you have hit a wall in your weight loss goals, here are three simple tips which may help you overcome your plateau. Doing the same workout program, depriving yourself of the same amount of Calories without a change in diet. But what is the true reason behind this enigma we call weight loss? Well…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, Weight Loss
4 Effective Training Principles
Are you effectively Personal training? There are various group fitness classes and personal training programs available out there. With all the different choices how can a person know if what they are doing is effective? Many follow the protocol “no pain no gain”, there is some validity there. Others believe if they are sweating they…
Training Aspects -
Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
Body Fat, The 6 How
6 ways to lose body fat: The “what” of body fat… spot training is ineffective because our body does not burn fat in areas which we focus on but burns fat as a whole! That is a constant for each person! The variable that needs to be identified is the most effective fat burning program…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Weight Loss
Body Fat, what?
What is Body Fat: To continue from lasts week’s article of focusing on body fat over the number on the scale, this article addresses the what and how of body fat, and some effective ways to reduce it. Too many times, people focus on their problem area, such as the abdominal region doing crunches in…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
Weight loss Vs. Body fat loss..Life Style change!
Weight loss Versus Body fat loss! Body weight, the number on the scale, is the reference point for anyone looking to lose weight. Body weight can fluctuate. To put that into perspective, MMA fighters, boxers, wrestlers, etc. whether professional or hobbyists, are able to lose ten pounds for their weigh-ins the night before a match. The…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
6 ways to get past a weight loss plateau
Get past your weight loss plateau The people I usually begin training, many times, started their weight loss journey on their own. They may have taken tips from a magazine, signed up for a gym membership, done a 60-90 day workout video program, and though they may have seen some results, they feel they need…
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Weight Loss
Weight loss Habits:Top 5 Don’ts
Top 5 weight loss don’ts Habits will form the foundation for success or failure. Even though it may seem like common sense, this is not a trivial topic. These five habits can sabotage any man or woman’s weight-loss ambitions. Personal trainer don’t #1: Don’t keep any food by the bed. When someone is idle, whether…
Training Aspects