Sports performance

  • Sports Performance Workout of the Week: Kettlebell Flow
    Cherry Hill sports performance, random, Sports performance, The scoop in all

    Sports Performance Workout of the Week: Kettlebell Flow

    Workout of the Week: Kettlebell Flow Looking for a new workout to pump up your sports performance? Give this non-stop high intensity kettlebell flow a try. Perform 5-10 reps of each exercise non-stop. Then jump into five 20 yard sprints. Repeat for 5 total rounds. This combination will really tax your breathing and muscular endurance…

  • Do You Have a Big Butt or Is It an Illusion?
    Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, The scoop in all

    Do You Have a Big Butt or Is It an Illusion?

    Do You Have a Big Butt or Is It an Illusion? Wow, That girl has a huge behind (or that guy to be equal)! Your eyes may be deceiving you. Big butts, do lie. Lower back pain, tight hips, tight hamstrings are all signs of it. The issue may be your posture. An imbalance usually…

  • 5 great hockey training specific exercises
    Cherry Hill sports performance, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, The scoop in all

    5 great hockey training specific exercises

    Hockey performance 5 great exercises: There are many great training techniques that may be extremely helpful for any hockey player looking to increase performance. However, the integration of the exercises chosen is what makes the difference between a successful program and a Mens health training routine. Single leg dead lift: A great core and stability exercise,…

  • Workout anywhere- Playground ninja warrior
    Cherry Hill sports performance, Fit and healthy, Sports performance, The scoop in all, Weight Loss

    Workout anywhere- Playground ninja warrior

    Workout anywhere- Cherry Hill Playground Ninja Warrior: No Gym membership, No babysitter to watch the kids, no problem! Each person has a priority list. If fitness/healthy lifestyle is on that list then there are no excuses! To help you find some solutions, This next batch of Wednesday articles will focus on working out anywhere and…

  • How Much Does Hydration Really Affect Muscle Strength?
    Fit and healthy, Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, Weight Loss

    How Much Does Hydration Really Affect Muscle Strength?

    Hydration and Muscle Strength, Does It Really Matter? Whether you are strength training, looking to lose weight, or going for athletic performance your hydration levels will dictate how well you do. Your muscles are comprised of 70-75% water. Just a 3% dehydration of a muscle can lead to a 10% decrease in muscle strength and performance.…

  • Beware! Some Fitness Facts Could Be Myths!
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, Weight Loss

    Beware! Some Fitness Facts Could Be Myths!

    Top 5 Exercise Myths Everyone Should Know About! Exercise Myth #1 -You burn more fat exercising at a lower intensity This is a tricky one because science technically says this is true. Lower intensity or “steady state” exercise does primarily use fat stores for energy, whereas high intensity exercise primarily uses carbohydrate stores for energy.…

  • The Squat: Are You Squatting Correctly?
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance

    The Squat: Are You Squatting Correctly?

    Should Everyone Be Squatting Exactly The Same? The squat is a very popular exercise among personal trainers. Whether you do a bodyweight squat or a burpee, squat form is involved. The squat is a very effective exercise but if form is incorrect, it may lead to various lingering injuries. Each person is unique, therefore, anatomy…

  • Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Explains Is Muscle Soreness Always Beneficial?
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance

    Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Explains Is Muscle Soreness Always Beneficial?

    Does Extreme Muscle Soreness Always Equal a Great Workout? Personal training means you should be Sore! Kidding! Muscle soreness is not the point of reference for if you had a good workout or not.  Muscle soreness and stiffness following a tough workout is common and sometimes inevitable. If the soreness becomes debilitating to the point where…

  • Personal Trainer Discusses Foam Rolling! What It Is, Its Benefits, and How to Use It?
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance

    Personal Trainer Discusses Foam Rolling! What It Is, Its Benefits, and How to Use It?

    Personal Trainer Discusses Foam Rolling! What It Is, Its Benefits, and How to Use It? Foam Rolling has been gaining popularity in the fitness community as well as the general public.  This is for a good reason.  Foam rolling can provide many great benefits for the body.  The benefits vary from increases in range of…

  • Personal Trainer Quick Tip: The Importance of Post-Workout Nutrient Timing
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, Weight Loss

    Personal Trainer Quick Tip: The Importance of Post-Workout Nutrient Timing

    Personal Trainer Quick Tip Importance of Post-Workout Nutrient Timing! Last week we discussed the importance of what to consume post workout. The results showed a high glycemic carbohydrate, like sugar, and whey protein combined in a shake spiked insulin and increased protein synthesis, best.  But when should you have the drink? The timing is just…

  • Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Discusses Setting Realistic Fitness Goals
    Personal trainer tips, Sports performance

    Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Discusses Setting Realistic Fitness Goals

    We all have goals. Whether we want to lose weight, gain muscle, increase sports performance, or maybe just increase the quality of our daily living. These are all great goals to have but without proper planning and thinking realistically they may never be accomplished. We need to start making “SMART” goals. “SMART” is an acronym…

  • Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Asks “Are Carbs Equally as Important as Protein?”
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance

    Cherry Hill Personal Trainer Asks “Are Carbs Equally as Important as Protein?”

    Personal Trainer Quick Tip Are Carbohydrates Equally as Important as Protein? Yes! Especially post workout. Consuming high glycemic carbohydrates, like sugar, in combination with protein immediately after exercise can greatly enhance the proteins effectiveness. A study has shown that the combination of a protein/carbohydrate drink post workout was 38% more effective in stimulating protein synthesis…

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