Personal trainer tips

  • Part 2 progression of training
    Personal trainer tips, Sports performance

    Part 2 progression of training

    Progressions of training for athletes: Last week I mentioned that an individual’s advancement in the progressions depends on his or her specific goals and capacity to complete them.  The next two phases, maximum strength and power, consist of advanced movements and total body awareness.  No matter what sport you compete in, or goal set. The…

  • Progression of training
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance

    Progression of training

    Personal Training program progressions Typically, the trainer breaks down a resistance training program for athletes into phases, also known as progressions.  The progression that the athlete advances to depends on your specific goals and capacity to achieve them.  Of course, there are many other factors that are considered, but the results achieved through resistive exercises are…

  • Success is inevitable….
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips

    Success is inevitable….

    The little secret to fitness success was focused on introducing realistic lifestyle changes.  Fitness goals are not meant to be a sprint; they are a marathon.  If someone tells you that accomplishing your goal will be easy, you will pay for it in the long run.  I went onto further explain that your first month…

  • 4 Effective Training Principles
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Sports performance, Weight Loss

    4 Effective Training Principles

    Are you effectively Personal training? There are various group fitness classes and personal training programs available out there. With all the different choices how can a person know if what they are doing is effective? Many follow the protocol “no pain no gain”, there is some validity there. Others believe if they are sweating they…

  • Body Fat, The 6 How
    Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss

    Body Fat, The 6 How

    6 ways to lose body fat: The “what” of body fat… spot training is ineffective because our body does not burn fat in areas which we focus on but burns fat as a whole! That is a constant for each person! The variable that needs to be identified is the most effective fat burning program…

  • Weight loss Vs. Body fat loss..Life Style change!
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss

    Weight loss Vs. Body fat loss..Life Style change!

    Weight loss Versus Body fat loss! Body weight, the number on the scale, is the reference point for anyone looking to lose weight.  Body weight can fluctuate.  To put that into perspective, MMA fighters, boxers, wrestlers, etc.  whether professional or hobbyists, are able to lose ten pounds for their weigh-ins the night before a match.  The…

  • The little secret to fitness success
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips

    The little secret to fitness success

    No Magic pill to fitness success, just consistency! The elevator to Fitness success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs….One step at a time.”– Rande Wilson The fitness industry, often, focuses so strongly on the looks of each person rather than the benefits the person will receive in the long run. As…

  • 6 ways to get past a weight loss plateau
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss

    6 ways to get past a weight loss plateau

    Get past your weight loss plateau The people I usually begin training, many times, started their weight loss journey on their own. They may have taken tips from a magazine, signed up for a gym membership, done a 60-90 day workout video program, and though they may have seen some results, they feel they need…

  • Should you use this equipment?
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips

    Should you use this equipment?

    Advanced fitness equipment I am very often asked by athletes as well as people looking to lose weight, about adding a weight vest/ ankle weights to their workouts.  My answer: Athletes: When using a weight vest, ankle weights, resistance bands, parachutes, sleds etc.  They can all be effective ways of increasing stride length, Stride frequency,…

  • Most common reason for not exercising
    Personal trainer tips

    Most common reason for not exercising

    Solutions for not exercising One of the most common reasons  for people’s lack of exercise throughout the week, just isn’t enough time. I get it, we live in a fast paced world. We all strive to be better than the next person, so we multitask to create more time.  Eat as we run out the door,…

  • Improve your workout Part 3
    Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips

    Improve your workout Part 3

    Improve your workout Continued: 5. CHANGE IT UP You hear it all the time.  There are plenty of ways to do it, but you just might not know how, or feel confident enough to do it.  The options seem limited to cardio and weights.  What else is there to do? Persona trainer Fix Cardio people,…

  • 6 ways to Improve your workout Part 2
    Fit and healthy, Personal trainer tips

    6 ways to Improve your workout Part 2

    Improve your workout 3. Order of fitness Exercises The sequence of exercises within a workout is never mentioned in media, but is in fact important.  You can have a list of exercises and attack it however you’d like, but there are guidelines for a more efficient routine.  Just like starting a routine with a large muscle…

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