Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
6 ways to get past a weight loss plateau
Get past your weight loss plateau The people I usually begin training, many times, started their weight loss journey on their own. They may have taken tips from a magazine, signed up for a gym membership, done a 60-90 day workout video program, and though they may have seen some results, they feel they need…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
Cellulite: What can you do?
Secrets of Cellulite: What is cellulite: Cellulite is usually found when there is a decrease of estrogen in the body. This causes a decrease in circulation, which leads to less oxygen and nutrition to the area, which then leads to less collagen production. The other problem with decreased circulation is the fat cells in the…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips
Should you use this equipment?
Advanced fitness equipment I am very often asked by athletes as well as people looking to lose weight, about adding a weight vest/ ankle weights to their workouts. My answer: Athletes: When using a weight vest, ankle weights, resistance bands, parachutes, sleds etc. They can all be effective ways of increasing stride length, Stride frequency,…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips
Improve your workout Part 3
Improve your workout Continued: 5. CHANGE IT UP You hear it all the time. There are plenty of ways to do it, but you just might not know how, or feel confident enough to do it. The options seem limited to cardio and weights. What else is there to do? Persona trainer Fix Cardio people,…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, The scoop in all
Diet soda the healthy choice?
Healthy choice, Diet soda? I was looking over various diet articles on the internet when I came across this one: New study is a wake up call for soda drinkers. The first study has many holes in it, such as their point that a person who drinks two cans of soda gains more weight than…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
5 Personal training salad bar don’ts
Lose weight at the salad bar: Summer is coming! By now, your new year’s resolution is either a great success…or something you’d rather not talk about. However, if you are looking into this last month as a time to quickly lose weight, let’s try to make it productive. Many of my clients, when I start…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
7 personal training Myths continued
The final 3 of the 7 personal training myths, continued, from last week’s 7 Myths reviewed! Personal Training Myth #5 Male and female training regimens should differ. Myth. The overall goal may be different between men and women; however, the one variable that does not change between males and females is the principle of overload. …
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
7 Training Myths further reviewed
7 personal training myths: Personal training myth #1 “I don’t like my arms. Therefore, if I do arm exercises, my arms will become lean.” It makes sense, just like A+B= C. Unless, A+B=C only assuming D, given E, with F > 0. The point is if you don’t take everything necessary into account, you won’t…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Weight Loss
Metabolism: Speed up
Weight loss is synonymous with metabolism. One of the first complaints, when starting a weight-loss regimen, is that of a slow metabolism. The truth is that in most cases, metabolism largely depends on a person’s size, as more of a person requires a faster metabolism to sustain. This article will focus on speeding up metabolism…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
Fats, Proteins, Carbs: Macro-nutrient Density
Macro-nutrient density Now that we’re building a healthy mind set, it’s important to have at least a basic understanding of what’s good and what’s better left at the store. Macro-nutrients: Macro-nutrients are nutrients which fuel the body. The main three are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 2 Types of Carbohydrates: Key Points ( Carbs are not…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
Eat with Purpose:4 steps to fitness success
4 steps to Success weight loss success Right now, we’re developing a healthy fitness mindset. You wrote down three days of everything that you have ingested (food and liquid, even that little tootsie roll that you may have forgotten). You have a good idea of what changes you have made and have stuck to them…
Training Aspects -
Fit and healthy, Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
Eat with purpose: We’re all addicts
Diets are not the answer So if the popular diets are not the answer, what should I do, Mr. personal trainer!? Honestly, diets are never the answer. This Fitness specialist believes in the Training Aspects’ way of making habits stick: “An extreme change lasts a month, a lifestyle change lasts a lifetime.” The majority of…
Training Aspects