SPorts performance facility in voorhees and Sewell New Jersey.

Athlete Performance

Athlete performance:

Athlete performance for results

Training Aspects’ has the top Strength and conditioning coaches in the South Jersey area!
We can help you increase your performance on and off the field/ice. If you are currently in season, we can help you stay fresh!If you’re in off season mode let us help you prepare for the season, so you can take it to the next level!

Increase performance: We can help you increase strength, endurance, agility, speed, power, efficiency etc. no matter your sport!

Sport specific training: Currently we work privately with:
*MMA/ Boxing
*Youth soccer

1 on 1 training comparable to none!  Cherry Hill, Marlton, Haddonfield and Surrounding areas!




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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Healthy fitness habits

Success is inevitable….

Success is Inevitable:

Fly like a ninja

The little secret to fitness success was focused on introducing realistic lifestyle changes.  Fitness goals are not meant to be a sprint; they are a marathon.  If someone tells you that accomplishing your goal will be easy, you will pay for it in the long run.  I went onto further explain that your first month will be the toughest.  However, your body will adapt and mentally, you will seek out the challenge, and maybe even look forward to it, a little.  Now, nothing disappoints me more, than someone who  after putting in so much time and effort reverts back to their old habits.  That person’s goal is my goal.  They are a reflection of me.  Not only was their money spent and our time put forth, but the energy, the pain, the sweat, the tears (yep, sometimes), all gone!

This is where rest and relaxation is essential.  When you put a consistent amount of stress on the system (an extreme), the first time you fall off, miss a day, eat something you’re not supposed to, get sick etc., that healthy habit and lifestyle change will be lost.  The reason it’s lost is that it was never a lifestyle change.  You were adding an extreme change to the body that it will tolerate for a short period of time.  Think back to all of the diets and fitness programs you were a part of.  Most likely, you stayed disciplined for a week, a month, maybe six months, or even a year, but at some point, you lost it.  This is why it is so important to take small steps to achieving your fitness goal and actually making it a long-term lifestyle change instead of a short term lifestyle change.  Here is a great tool for success

1.  Have a day to refresh.

Training: have at least one day, where you are actively recovering, stretching, foam rolling, in a Jacuzzi, and the like.   Then, make another day for yourself when you aren’t even thinking of training, meaning you are just enjoying regular daily activities.Personal training near me

Nutrition:  As I’ve said before, you have to create the habit.  The first month may need to be disciplined (depending on the goal) but after that, add a day where you enjoy a few meals, but make sure it is organized.  Have three specific meals throughout the week which are your cheats.

2.  Keep it fresh!

Training: Nothing will force you to burn out quicker than doing the same workout over and over again!  Not only will you be bored, but you’ll also have hit a plateau.  Change things around.  Maybe not every week, but at least once a month.  Challenge your body in different ways.

Nutrition: If you are eating the same foods every day and are only following a “diet”, you will burn out.  Follow a concept which is adjusted to your needs, not a diet.  This way, you are getting variety in your meals.  If you’re only eating chicken and brown rice every day, no wonder you gave up.  Don’t get bored; keep it fresh!   Have plenty of choices!

3.  Change your mindset.

Healthy fitness habitsTraining and Nutrition: Referring back to a lifestyle change, think of it as normal instead of a training regimen.  Life throws curve balls, and our schedules and situations change.  Don’t think of working out or eating right as a luxury (it’s not); think of it as a necessity (because it is!).  When your schedule, environment, or situation changes, whether for a short period of time or for good, you can adapt with it.   For example, if you work out for an hour five days a week and your schedule changes to the point that you can no longer work out five days a week, don’t use the excuse “it’s all or nothing!”  Adapt with your new schedule.  Remember! we’re making lifestyle changes which are a  mind set, not strict regimen changes.

 When you set your self up to succeed, success is inevitable! 

 By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested articles:
* Little secret to success
* Eat with purpose
Suggested video:
* Effective training for you


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

4 Effective Training Principles

Are you effectively Personal training?

Effective Training for the personal training clientThere are various group fitness classes and personal training programs available out there. With all the different choices how can a person know if what they are doing is effective? Many follow the protocol “no pain no gain”, there is some validity there. Others believe if they are sweating they must be having a great workout, not necessarily true. Here are four principles which should always be in mind


The Principle of Overload: Body must be challenged!

The principle of overload states that a greater than normal stress or load on the body is required for training adaptation to take place. What this means is that in order to improve your fitness, strength or endurance, you need to increase the workload accordingly. A muscle must be under unusual stress to become stronger.  What does this mean to you? If you go into the gym, do the same weight and workout every week; Chest and Triceps Monday, Cardio Tuesday, a plateau is coming your way!

Principal of overload for Personal and group training successThe Principle of Progression: Advancing through overload without injury or setback.

The principle of progression implies that there is an optimal level of overload that should be achieved, and an optimal time frame for this overload to occur. A gradual and systematic increase of the workload over a period of time will result in improvements in fitness without risk of injury.  Referring back to the principle of overload, though it is important to stress the muscle, it is important to understand your limitations so that you can “progressively” improve.  Meaning: Whatever your goal is you have to crawl before you can run.

The Principle of Adaptation:

Adaptation refers to the body’s ability to adjust to increase or decreased physical demands. It is also one way we learn to coordinate muscle movement and develop sports-specific skills. Repeatedly practicing a skill or activity makes it second-nature and easier to perform. Adaptation explains why initially you are often sore after starting a new training routine, but after doing the same program for a few weeks you have little, if any, muscle soreness. Meaning: the human body is meant for survival, the body will adapt and it will get easier,


The Principle of Specificity

The Principle of Specificity indicates that, to become better at a particular exercise or skill, you must perform that exercise or skill. A person looking to lose weight should focus on decreasing body fat, a person looking to increase muscle tone should focus on muscle toning. While it’s helpful to have a good base in fitness, to accomplish your goal you must focus on your goal.

Specific training for the advanced athlete

The 4 principles always collide. Principle of overload must be combined with progression. The Principle of adaption must be monitored, if your body has adapted then you are no longer challenging your body which means the principle of overload is no longer being stressed. Principle of specificity keeps you focused. Always refer back and make sure the program you are beginning or have been following has all 4 principles in mind weekly.

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested articles: 
The fitness secret
* Get rid of these 4 

Suggested video:
* Testimonial Jake 


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

lose wieght and burn body fat

Body Fat, what?

What is Body Fat:

Training Aspects, Personal Trainer, Fitness, Goal Setting, Healthy EatingTo continue from lasts week’s article of focusing on body fat over the number on the scale, this article addresses the what and how of body fat, and some effective ways to reduce it. Too many times, people focus on their problem area, such as the abdominal region doing crunches in order to lose their body fat in that specific region.  This technique is called spot training.  The thinking goes that if you have fat in your abdominal region, crunches would reduce the fat in that area.  In reality, this is not the case.  Lets jump into it.

What:  Although it is considered annoying today, not too long ago, body fat was essential for survival.  1 gram of fat yields 9 Calories compared to its sister nutrient, the carbohydrate,  with 1 gram yielding 4 Calories.  This means more than double the energy.

In today’s world, it would be nice to do spot training to rid us of body fat in a specific area.  In reality, our bodies do not work this way.  If you take a look at the figure, you’ll see a bunch of fat cells (the black dots), and an arrow that points to the same amount of fat cells, but smaller in size.  These fat cells are a replica of what occurs in your body.  Once you accumulate fat cells in your body, they are there for good.  This is why when you begin a training program, it must be a lifestyle change!  While the fat cells will decrease in size, you must maintain your exercise regimen in order to keep them small.  In regards to spot training, when you only exercise a certain area in the belief that it will reduce fat there, the body fat will not decrease any quicker in that specific area. Why?  Body fat cells decrease in size at the same time throughout your whole body.  This is why multi-joint exercises (exercise which include various muscle groups) are usually recommended to lose weight.

Now that we know the what, next week we’ll talk about the how. Top ways in losing body fat!

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested Articles:
* Top training Myths
* Macro Nutrient density

Suggested Video:
* Effective training 

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Training Aspects is the home of personal trainers and athletic performance specialists. No matter your fitness goal or location we have the appropriate staff to help you!

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Body fat vs weight loss

Weight loss Vs. Body fat loss..Life Style change!

Weight loss Versus Body fat loss!

Body weight, the number on the scale, is the reference point for anyone looking to lose weight.  Body weight can fluctuate.  To put that intoGet results with Training Aspects personal trainers and athletic coaches. perspective, MMA fighters, boxers, wrestlers, etc.  whether professional or hobbyists, are able to lose ten pounds for their weigh-ins the night before a match.  The next day, they’ll put the weight back on to have the edge over their competition (Training Aspects does not recommend this, but that’s a different topic for a different day).   A person’s weight can fluctuate ten  pounds, depending on what you’re eating, drinking, and doing.  Increasing fiber, water intake and decreasing sodium can easily make your weight fluctuate ten pounds, in accordance with a cardio program will help you lose weight.  However, what kind of weight are you losing?  Is your goal to lose weight on the scale, and be able to brag about that number, or have people compliment you on your physique and have visible results, or more importantly, to have the confidence in yourself in whatever task/activity is in front of you.  For instance, “I’m not in good enough shape to go hiking” or “I’m not strong enough to help you move”.  Don’t allow your weight to hold you back.


Body fat, is also used as a reference point.  When people talk about losing weight, body fat is usually what people are referring to. Though subconsciously body fat is the goal, psychologically something about that scale causes people to doubt their success.  Body fat as a reference point means you are only getting rid of the extra (aka storage).  This leaves room to develop lean muscle tissue(get more toned; get more muscle bound whatever your final goal is), instead of lose it and slow your metabolism down.

Why doesn’t everyone test body fat? Currently, the most effective ways to test body fat are too expensive for the majority of the population.  Instead, doctors and many trainers use BMI (Body Mass Index), a cookie cutter approach, that gives you a standard height weight for you to fall into.  For this reason, the emphasis is on your current  body weight.

Though they may be less effective, there are other options.  Even if they are not as effective, they give you a stronger reference point.  Check your body fat, not your weight!

Body Fat analysis Tools

Body fat vs weight loss Body fat analysis analyzer: hand held or tested through the soles of your feet, it sends an impulse through your body (you won’t feel a thing) and will give you a body fat reading.  The idea is that the less  fat you have, the quicker it will send the impulse through your body, since fat is harder to travel through.  Percent error: 3-5%

Calipers: Slightly more expensive and slightly larger than tweezers. By pinching specific areas on the body you are given a measurement.


After recording the measurements, you calculate the total, which will give you a number that represents the body fat range you are in. This form of testing is usually more accurate than the body fat analyzer, but depends on the person’s experience conducting the tests. Percent of error 3%.

Tape measurements:  Yep the old school tape measurer! Mark the spot, totally relax the area, no making a muscle and measure,( make sure you measure in the same spot the next time). This is a much better form of testing than the scale!  As many know, muscle weighs more than fat. If you’re not losing weight  but your losing inches that is the first sign of body fat being lost!

Just live the lifestyle: Stop weighing yourself altogether! Test yourself by what kind of shape you’re in. How far you can run how many squats, pushups, how many times you can jog/ sprint, can you squat with your arms over your head and not have them lean forward. Test your flexibility, strength, strength endurance, cardio, agility, speed.. etc.

In conclusion, don’t check the scale—focus on your body fat makeup .  Stop  making your fitness goals a sprint, and instead make them a marathon; commit to the long haul!  If you live the lifestyle, you will not only look as you’ve always desired, but also move and feel the way you’ve always desired! 

“Fitness goals should not be a Sprint, they should be a marathon.”


Next week How to Focus on losing Body fat!

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested Article:
* Top 5 don’ts
Little secret to fitness success

Suggested video:
* Warming up


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

No elevator to success get results with consistency !

The little secret to fitness success

No elevator to success get results with consistency !

No Magic pill to fitness success, just consistency!

The elevator to Fitness success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs….
One step at a time.

– Rande Wilson


The fitness industry, often, focuses so strongly on the looks of each person rather than the benefits the person will receive in the long run. As in every goal, there is a search for how quickly the results will come. When I came across this quote it made me think of all the people, including myself, that in any aspect of their life, try to take shortcuts to accomplishing their goals. Many times those short cuts just set you back. Because there is a little secret, there are no shortcuts. No matter what the goal is, hard work is required! Coming back to fitness, how many times have you set a goal and gave up on it after a few months, weeks, days!? Can you imagine if you actually stuck with it?! What you would move like, feel like and look like?!
You may have read, heard or saw a program which promised results. It had great testimonials! 10 to 15 great ones! however, how many people actually tried? What sacrifices were actually involved?

True results expect a commitment. Make reasonable lifestyle changes and little by little you will see results. Stop making extreme changes, stop with the fad diets, stop with the gimmick workout programs, stop taking that magical supplement that promises everything! There are no guarantees in life! However, there is one constant variable! If you put the work into it, I promise you the first two to three weeks will be tough mentally and physically! Once you get past those first few weeks, the physical work will still be hard! But mentally you will adjust and it will no longer be the same grueling feeling, you will have adapted . I’d like to finish this rant with a quote Training Aspects always pushes when beginning with a person.

“An extreme change lasts a month,
A lifestyle change lasts a lifetime…”

-Training Aspects

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

 Suggested articles:
*No time to train
*Top 4 Training Excuses
Suggested video:
*Supplements the popular question


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

weight loss tips

6 ways to get past a weight loss plateau


6 ways to overcome a weight loss plateau:

Get past your weight loss plateau

The people I usually begin training, many times, started their weight loss journey on their own. They may have taken tips from a magazine, signed up for a gym membership, done a 60-90 day workout video program, and though they may have seen some results, they feel they need a stronger direction. They feel as though the results have ceased and they need something new. The following tips are just a few of the things a Training Aspects personal trainer will include or consider to help a client get over their weight loss plateau.

Personal Training tip#1

Correct the form/focus: Videos, magazines, or people that look like they know what they’re doing in the gym are not the ways to learn exercises. Many times, the focus of the exercise is missed when it is self-taught. Many times, people assume that as long as they are training intensely, their heart rate is up, they’re sweating, and they feel tired that they got a good workout. Not understanding the focus of the exercise can drastically change the effectiveness of the exercise and in many cases, cause injury over time. For example, due to poor form, many people who squat do not engage their gluteus, nor know how to. Many people will squat and forget to push their hips back, thus putting the weight on their knees and ignore the use of their gluteus. The gluteus is a huge muscle group! By neglecting them, they lose half the effectiveness of the squat!

Stop doing exercises incorrectly! Solution: get a few sessions with a Training Aspects personal trainer and learn the fundamentals. Many times, three sessions can be all you need to correct your form!

Personal Trainer Tip #2

Figure out your training goal: if your goal is to lose weight, then that should be yourStep 1 to Health and Fitness Success focus (May sound like common sense but this happens often). Do not fall into a body building program. Your goal is to lose weight, more importantly, the body fat. You will see results with those programs, but there are much more effective training programs out there. The more muscles you work in one day, the more effective the workout.

Personal trainer tip #3

Nutrition Timing: this is an advanced technique, however understanding what your body needs before and after the workout is very important. Your body needs certain nutrients pre, during, and post workout, it is essential to incorporate this into your program.

Personal Trainer tip #4

Reorganize the training plan: when you just begin working out or are getting back into working out, doing something is better than nothing. However, as you plan to progress Training Aspects LIFE STYLE CHANGE PUZZLE PIECE FOR SUCCESS IN 2020in your fitness goal and lose more weight, increase lean muscle, or increase muscle size, exercise organization becomes important. If you start your workout with bicep curls, crunches, calf raises or any other supporting muscle group, then you need to reorganize your plan. If you begin with leg presses before power exercises, or you do 45 minutes of cardio and then go to the weights, reorganize your plan and I promise you results. (The next article will give you more information on this.)

Personal trainer tip #5

Shock the system: many times, doing the same thing will lead to a plateau. Your body adapts to your fitness program and no longer feels challenged. This goes back to the principal of overload. To get results, you must challenge your muscles. You can do this by changing the type of exercises. For a basic example, instead of a bench press, try a variation of pushups, or use dumbbells and slow the rep scheme. If you are doing squats with a bar, do squats and add a jump into them (not with a bar, at least not at first).

Personal trainer tip #6

Doing too much: believe it or not, you could be doing too much! You just started working out, you go to the gym religiously because you are trying to achieve your goal and your body begins fighting back. This is called overtraining. There are ways to monitor overtraining. A plateau, or even losing results despite working harder, increased resting heart rate, feeling restless or having trouble falling asleep, getting sick more often, and not feeling well after big workouts are all symptoms of overtraining. More to come on this next week.

“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it!”
Marva Collins 


By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested articles:
* 7 Training myths
* 3 Reasons for your weight gain
Suggested video:
15minute challenge


Take action… Now! 

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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Training Aspects Voorhees Cherry Hill Marlton Personal Trainer

Cellulite: What can you do?

Secrets to weight loss success and body fat loss


Secrets of Cellulite:

What is cellulite: Cellulite is usually found when there is a decrease of estrogen in the body.  This causes a decrease in circulation, which leads to less oxygen and nutrition to the area, which then leads to less collagen production.  The other problem with decreased circulation is the fat cells in the area are unable to be broken up as effectively, so they begin to increase in size and push through the collagen, causing the appearance of bumpy skin or as we know it cellulite.

Why do women get Cellulite and men do not:

 This is actually a misconception!  Though cellulite is more prevalent in women, with up to 90% of women (skinny or obese) having it, 10% of men also have cellulite.

Training Aspects Voorhees Cherry Hill Marlton Personal TrainerWhy is the prevalence of cellulite higher in women than men:

If you take a look at the diagram, you can see how the collagen looks more like a picket fence in women, but in men it looks more like a cross linked fence, allowing for more stability against the growing fat cells. There are a few other reasons such as hormones (estrogen vs. testosterone in the body) and adrenergic receptors (Beta increases fat burning, Alpha receptors increase fat, to keep it simple).

Are there other factors:

There are other factors as well, such as genetics, diet , lifestyle, clothing, and stress.

The cellulite Solution:

It’s true, there are certain predispositions which  make for a tough uphill battle.  However, in this case, you can overcome this predisposition by being proactive.  The good news is that being genetically predisposed to cellulite does not necessarily mean you will have it.  This means that you must focus on the factors which are in your control. Here are 4 tips to decreasing your chances of developing cellulite.Getting fitness and health results, boxing and rotation

Tip #1 Do not wear restrictive underwear! 

If your body already loses effective circulation through hormone loss, don’t add to it by wearing elastic bands in the gluteus region.  The blood that should be flowing to those regions gets backed up. Remember the goal is to increase the blood flow in these areas, not decrease it.

Tip #2Diet:

Be proactive and focus on keeping lean.  Look back to past articles for nutrition information.  It’s important to not increase body fat.  If you already have cellulite, having a healthy, nutrient-dense diet can still help improve your look and decrease the amount of cellulite. Remember, specifically for women, due to the collagen structure and a decrease in estrogen, any increase in body fat will begin to push through the fibers. This does not mean stop eating! This just means you need to eat more clean!

Tip #3 Exercise:

Yes, this means a resistance program (weights, bands, body weight exercises etc.) in addition to cardio. Exercise, specifically resistance exercises, increases the blood flow in the particular area, so meet with a qualified exercise specialist (personal trainer) and develop an effective program (email me and first session is free!).

Tip #4 Cellulite services:

There are various treatments out there, but many are expensive and have little effect.

  1. Creams: The focus with creams is on fat burning not increasing blood flow.
  2. Vacuum rolling: rolling the area increases the blood flow, and the heat helps in fat burning, but this will have to be a monthly reoccurrence, results vary!
  3. Subcision surgery: correcting the area with placing more fat into it can make the cellulite move or get absorbed, which may make it worse.

Attack the cellulite head on before it becomes an issue. Once it starts its very tough to overcome, The best choice is the proactive approach.

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested Articles:
* Metabolism: Speed up
* Eat with purpose

Suggested video:
* 15 minute workout!


Take action… Now! 

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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Performance training equipment for the developing athlete

Should you use this equipment?

Advanced fitness equipment  

I am very often asked by athletes as well as people looking to lose weight, about adding a weight vest/ ankle weights to their workouts.  My answer:

Performance training equipment for the developing athlete


When using a weight vest, ankle weights, resistance bands, parachutes, sleds etc.  They can all be effective ways of increasing stride length, Stride frequency, foot speed and increase overall ability to endure. However, these are advanced technique, meaning the program must be properly organized.

Top 3 misconceptions:

Sports performance misconception #1

Too Much weight– adding too much weight, can actually decrease productivity of the workout.  Like every other exercise when you add too much weight you lose technique and especially with these tools technique is everything.

Sports performance misconception #2

Understand goal of Equipment–  We’ll use the resistance bands in this situation, The bands will decrease your total running speed, but increase the amount of strides you will complete.  Meaning you will be working hard to overcome the resistance but you will not be going as fast, allowing you to focus on the technique! Work the technique of the exercise so when you run without it your form is more efficient!

Sports performance misconception #3

Full workout completed without real body weight– When  you complete  a few sets do the exercise with your own body weight. Example, 2 sets with ankle weights at least 1 set without ankle weights and focusing on as many foot touches as possible! This is one goes specifically to ankle weights and weight vests. I’ve seen people put 10lbs on each ankle and workout.  Though you may get stronger, you are decreasing your foot speed!

Athlete training for the developing athlete. Strength and conditioning near you

People looking to lose weight :

If it’s going to make you happy use the equipment. However, its really not needed as you begin your weight loss journey. Your body is already working with extra weight adding more is not the answer.  These pieces of equipment are advanced techniques which are meant for increased performance in a specific area.

Athlete performance training

When using advanced techniques, get in touch with a fitness professional to help you organize a plan and achieve optimum results! When you do it right the first time you save future frustration!

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested articles:
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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

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910 Haddonfield-Berlin rd.
Voorhees, Nj 08043

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Training Aspects, Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Foam Rolling, Reduce Pain

Improve your workout Part 3

Improve your workout Continued:


You hear it all the time.  There are plenty of ways to do it, but you just might not know how, or feel confident enough to do it.  The options seem limited to cardio and weights.  What else is there to do?

Persona trainer Fix

Cardio people, don’t just stick to this one area.  Just because you moved from theTraining Aspects, Personal Trainer, Personal Training, Foam Rolling treadmill to the elliptical doesn’t mean you are changing the workout.  Nor does it mean you’re just burning fat.  Doing cardio for extensive periods of time depletes muscle as well.  The body starts using the more readily available energy that is supplied to it once all carbohydrates are used—that is, protein.  Also, low intensity workouts such as jogging or swimming do not burn nearly as many calories as the quicker, higher intensity workouts. During fast paced, high intensity workouts, more of the body exerts itself under more resistance in a shorter amount of time.  Therefore, heart rate increases more than during cardio and the body burns more calories.

For those of you that just like to lift weights, you won’t get lean (or buff) and lose weight by lifting weights alone.  If rest periods are long, then your heart rate will never increase and weight loss can’t occur.  Start doing circuits.  This can include combinations of heavy and light weight, resistance bands and body weight, cardio and strengthening, and can be completed in 30 minutes.  And if you do it correctly, you will be properly exhausted.

Here are some other ways to change up your routine:

Do one-sided large muscle exercises.  Dumbbell bench press just one side, with the other arm just holding the weight at neutral.  Keep your feet on the bench as well.  This will force your whole body to contract, specifically abdomen .

  • Go to fitness classes such as yoga, spinning, weight resistance classes, aerobic classes, boot camps, etc.  You might learn something you can incorporate into your own workout.
  • Do body weight exercises.  Throw them in between other exercises to supplement the workout.  When resting between sets of bench press, do pull ups. That way, your chest isn’t tired for the next set.Swing like a ninja warrior
  • Play a sport.  Whether it is a pickup game of tennis, bowling by yourself (or with a friend), or even hiking for half a day, make being active fun.  Working out doesn’t always mean running in circles or lifting a bar.
  • Just because you aren’t at the gym, doesn’t mean you can’t work out.  Jump rope at home.  Lift things around the house.  Weed the garden.  Do some squat jumps until your legs burn.  Try a one arm push up.

There are unlimited ways to exercise. Be creative!

6. LEARNING NEW fitness exercises

Something every person in the gym has done is listen to a friend’s advice. “My buddy is a body builder and he said…”  As much as we all want to be educated and expert lifters, we aren’t. There are two questions you need to ask every person that lends you information in the gym.

What are your credentials?

Now, exercise and fitness are arts with different perspectives and interpretations on what is correct and incorrect.  Even some professionals may become or are misinformed. Which brings me to the next question.

Where did they acquire this information?Effective Training for the personal training client

When someone gives you advice, ask where they learned it from. If it is a secondary source such as another person, a magazine, or most websites ending in “.com”, it is based on opinion and may not be a reliable source.  The best sources of information include published studies, educational books, and websites that end in “.org”, “.edu” or “.gov”.  These websites are run by non-profit companies, universities, or the government, respectively, and are not only publishing information to make money.

Zak Goodman BS, CSCS
Exercise specialist

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*Should you be using this?
*Get rid of these 4 excuses
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* Kettlebell Snatch


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043