Personal trainer tips

  • 6 ways to improve your workout program
    Personal trainer tips

    6 ways to improve your workout program

    Large Muscle Group Isolation Days The most popular way to exercise today. You learn it from friends, magazines, websites, even “professionals.”  But have you ever wondered why the majority of weight training programs were developed this way?  The method trickled down from unnatural bodybuilders, a.k.a. steroid users.  They go to the gym twice a day, isolating…

  • Get rid of these 4 personal training excuses
    Personal trainer tips

    Get rid of these 4 personal training excuses

    The 4 most popular excuses for giving up on training . Personal training Excuse #1 “How can you pay hundreds of dollars for a trainer?” You must be a selfish person- MONEY– This is often the issue. Having a trainer doesn’t have to be a huge expense. A quality trainer can develop a program for…

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