How Much Does Hydration Really Affect Muscle Strength?

How Much Does Hydration Really Affect Muscle Strength?

Hydration and Muscle Strength, Does It Really Matter?

How Much Does Hydration Really Affect Muscle Strength?

Whether you are strength training, looking to lose weight, or going for athletic performance your hydration levels will dictate how well you do. Your muscles are comprised of 70-75% water. Just a 3% dehydration of a muscle can lead to a 10% decrease in muscle strength and performance. Imagine if your water levels in your muscle were only 60-65%? Your performance could drop by 30-40%! So next time you’re about to workout ask yourself did you have enough water? Check back next time for the recommended amount!


Written By: Robert Jost

Fitness Specialist

ACE-cpt, NSCA-cpt

Suggested Video:

Mt.Climber Variations

Suggested Article:

Top 10 Reasons to Increase Water Intake


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

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Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

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Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…


New year's Resolution 2020

The magic “weight loss” Pill

Continuation from last week’s article
If I said, take this pill. You’ll lose all the weight that you desire but the side effects are you’ll have trouble walking, the pill causes extra wear and tear on the knees and back problems. Would you make that trade?


The “Magic” Weight loss Pill:

weight loss exercises

Everyone is looking for it. Take the pill, lose weight and have true confidence in your physical appearance.  “Do I look fat in this dress” … guys know to stay away from that question. The problem is also seen within circles of guys. Just the other night I was sitting in a restaurant. I overheard four guys talking about “beach muscles” and how  one of the guys felt insecure taking of his shirt on the beach.  Physical appearance is the number one concern in our society, today. The assumption,  if a person looks good, then a person is healthy. Thus, people join gyms, hire personal trainers, join weight loss programs, and spend tons of money on fixing their appearance. Usually the cheaper the better! It’s simple, Calories in Vs. Calories out. Workout hard and burn an ample amount of calories, restrict your carb intake and overall calorie count then sit back and watch your body transform! Sound familiar?

It’s like a Rubik’s cube:

Rubik’s cubes can be annoying/are annoying! Did you ever start on one and, for us amateurs, complete one side of the Rubik’s cube and expect all the other sides to go back to their respected positions? Instead, one side is complete and the other 5 sides are mixed up…back to the drawing board! Yep it’s like that! There is more to creating a fitness program than just the physical appearance. Weight loss is important; on average about 30% of the states in the USA are obese. However, if you focus solely on weight loss/ appearance and participate in exercise programs which your body is not ready for, you are only completing one side of the Rubik’s cube.

You’re losing weight:

The various popular training programs (Gyms, crossfit, insanity, various group training classes) have available or create an overall training program which is performed by the masses. If the exercise is challenging and makes you sweat, it must be good!  You’re losing weight, you can lift more weight than you could before, run faster and longer, and you have more confidence! You continue down the path, it seems like it’s working!  Your back may hurt a little at night or your knee might act up but its only during certain movements… its ok! Just work through it!

Chasing the physique of your dreams:

The dream physique, each person is looking for, will evolve and no matter how physically appealing the person looks, in their own eyes there will always be at least one area which needs to be a little better. The knee begins acting up more often and there isn’t an understanding of why. The diet plan is followed unconditionally. Why aren’t the results following suit!?

Dead End:

The plateau demotivates you, the injuries, loss of range of motion, the discipline needed and lack of results. You fall off the wagon. Once the nagging injuries begin, it takes a good amount of energy, time and patience to correct. Part of the process is reorganizing the fitness program and using less weight.

Take a step back to take a leap forward:

The good news is, in the mapped out situation just mentioned, the magic pill is an action instead of a quick weight loss system. People are trying to get healthy! The problem is in the marketing and media realm. People follow tips from random “experts”  who are often trying to sell a product. In the next article we’ll break down the steps of how to truly become healthy! You may need to take a step back from whatever your current training program is but I promise that following the steps will bring you leaps and bounds forward. …

…To be continued…


Sneak peak question: The Training Aspecs cube of training consists of 6 sides, can you guess the 6?

Written By: Kirill Vaks

Fitness Specialist


Suggested Articles:

Is Muscle Soreness Always Beneficial

Suggested Video:

3 Year Video Montage


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

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Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…


6 ways to Improve your workout Part 2

Improve your workout

3. Order of fitness Exercises

The sequence of exercises within a workout is never mentioned in media, but is in factPersonal training and mental performance training important.  You can have a list of exercises and attack it however you’d like, but there are guidelines for a more efficient routine.  Just like starting a routine with a large muscle group and moving to the small, there are other aspects of sequencing your workout.

Personal trainer Fix

There are many factors, but will the average situation.  The reason we start with bench press or squat over pec flies or leg extensions is due to the fatigue factor.  When these exercises are completed, the lifter usually shoots for pure strength and wants to do the most strenuous exercises first.  The muscles need to be fresh in order to lift as much weight as possible.  Obviously, the quadriceps (front of the leg) are used in the squat, and if they fatigue more quickly than the rest of the leg, then there isn’t much that can be further accomplished.  However, if your main goal is endurance, then by all means “pre-exhauste ” those muscles.  Be careful though.  Technique tends to suffer first when doing this.  We also want to start with the exercises that involve the most joints (multi-joint exercises).  For instance, bench press includes movements in the shoulder and elbow whereas pec flies solely involve the shoulder and are considered a supplemental exercise.

The fatigue factor is also why abdominals are always completed last.  They are needed for absolutely everything.  Your stomach should always be tight, even when you’re not in the gym.  They are essential for posture, balance, running, lifting, jumping, and the list goes on.  The point is that while exercising, your abdominals supply power to the rest of the body.  If your abs give out while squatting, your spine is at risk of serious injury that can cause lifelong problems.  This is also why abdominal exercises are done after “leg day”.

Finally, what’s first, cardio or resistance training?  The answer depends on your goals.  What is more important, burning fat or gaining muscle?  Doing cardio first will allow a head start in tapping into that fat system, then resistance training becomes supplemental for your endurance.  Meanwhile, doing the opposite will allow for muscle growth and pre-fatigue the body for the cardio.  Just remember, cardio causes the muscles to become smaller and more efficient.  So if your goal is to become bigger and more lean, you may want to take a look at your eating habits instead.


4. Technique and Range of Motion

Technique is my biggest pet peeve in the gym. When heavy weights are lifted, we tendAthlete performance  to give ourselves a mechanical advantage so the repetition can be completed. Don’t be nice to yourself; the reason you are in the gym is to challenge your muscles. This doesn’t mean increasing the weight beyond your capabilities.  Proper technique will make resistance training difficult enough.  Why skip out on the toughest part?

 Personal trainer Fix

The concept of proper technique is easier said than done.  You really want to isolateAdvanced training for athletes muscles and make training tough.  A “real” pull up involves entirely straightening the arms, then pulling your chin above the bar to complete the range of motion.  We have the least amount of leverage when our arms are straight.  Conversely, correct technique for the bench press includes lowering the weight and bringing your elbows to 90 degrees, changing the momentum with pure strength, and pushing back to starting position. The bar should not bounce off of the chest during a bench press. This is dangerous for the reason of fracturing your sternum, but it is also improper technique since it helps the chest immensely in putting up that bar.  When using heavy weight, the joint needs to be protected and once again, we have leverage within the muscles past 90 degrees. The same idea applies to squats.  Protect the joints and bring the hips and knees to 90 degrees.

On any bench, there are five points of contact: head, shoulders, butt, and the left and right foot. If one of these body parts are not stationed, the weight is too heavy and technique has been compromised.  Your entire body should be contracting to create tension in the muscles.  In the end, we are working the muscles within the body, no matter how much weight we use.

Final 2 next week!

By: Zak Goodman BS, CSCS
Exercise specialist


Suggested articles:
* 7 myths reviewed 
Metabolism speed up

Suggested video:
*Kettlebell Clean


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

healthy habits for success

Eat with purpose: We’re all addicts

Diets are not the answer

So if the popular diets are not the answer, what should I do, Mr. personal trainer!?

Honestly, diets are never the answer. This Fitness specialist believes in the Training Aspects’ way of making habits stick:

“An extreme change lasts a month, a lifestyle change lasts a lifetime.”

The majority of people who begin an extreme diet don’t last more than a month. At some point they’ll lapse.  Once they lapse, a relapse is statistically probable in their near future. It sounds like I’m talking about drugs, not food, right?

That’s the part that needs to be understood. We have become food addicts, and we need to find a way to get out of our old habits. If we could all be placed on an island where there was no over-portioned, chemically and hormonally induced food, made with a high sugar content and highly-saturated fats or even worse—fats that are actually man-made (trans fats), then the addiction can be overcome.

However, in the society we live in, there is no hiding. Shows like “The Biggest Loser” bring great motivation to people to lose weight. However, they also bring great failure to the people watching these shows. What’s not highlighted is how the people are on an island where all their actions are controlled through a strict schedule. This is why the majority of the people on the show fall back into their old habits and gain the weight back if not more. It’s important to understand this must become a lifestyle change, not just a temporary diet.

So what’s the solution, Personal trainer?

Rob Jost Personal Trainer and sports performance specialistAs human beings have done since the beginning of time, adapt and survive.  Write down everything you eat and drink for three days straight (do not change your diet for these three days, be honest and keep to what you would eat on a regular week). When you see what you’ve written down, I’m sure you can find a few things you wouldn’t mind living without, or at least making a healthier choice. If needed, consult with a nutritionist (me).

With just a few small changes and the addition of a fitness regimen (even ten to fifteen minutes three to four times a week), you will begin to act healthier which usually makes you think healthier. Once you begin thinking healthier, then you can begin adding more changes that you’ll be comfortable sticking with.

One of the biggest mistakes is making drastic changes right from the beginning.  It takes 21 days to create a habit, so for those first 21 days, start by acting healthier. Some examples could be cutting down sugar packets in your coffee down to one from two or three, eating grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, not eating creamy dressings (ranch, Caesar) and instead having the fat free version.  An even better choice would be balsamic vinaigrette.

The first change may not bring you significant results, but the point is to build a healthy mindset.  After the first month or so of only doing the bare minimum but sticking to it, you’ve made it through the first two steps.  Even if you don’t see a difference in your physical appearance, you’ve built a strong foundation and now you build from there.  No matter how small or big the adjustments you’ve made, be proud of starting the process of becoming healthier. If you need a pat on the back, send me an email with how the first month has been and I will send you words of encouragement (I mean it! I want to hear from you!)

Kirill Vaks Training Aspects Personal TrainerThis process can be very different for each individual.  If you have no experience with fitness and nutrition, it may take you a few months.  If you do have some or a lot of experience in the fitness and nutrition realm, it may only take you a month. The key is to build that healthy foundation. Don’t force it.  Everyone wants to see results as quickly as possible but without a proper setup, you set yourself up for failure. Break the goal down into small chunks, and enjoy the ride.

Now that we know the true issue, that we’re addicts, and we can plan to overcome our addiction, all we need is to act on our plan.  Next week we will get into the third part of eating with purpose, which will cover what changes you can make according to nutrition density.

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested Articles: 
3 reasons for your weight gain
* Weight loss habits Top 5 don’ts 
* Metabolism: speed up

Suggested Video: 
* Effective  workout

Take action… Now! 

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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel oak rd.
Voorhees,Nj 08043