Training Aspects
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Weight Loss
Body Fat, what?
What is Body Fat: To continue from lasts week’s article of focusing on body fat over the number on the scale, this article addresses the what and how of body fat, and some effective ways to reduce it. Too many times, people focus on their problem area, such as the abdominal region doing crunches in…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
Weight loss Vs. Body fat loss..Life Style change!
Weight loss Versus Body fat loss! Body weight, the number on the scale, is the reference point for anyone looking to lose weight. Body weight can fluctuate. To put that into perspective, MMA fighters, boxers, wrestlers, etc. whether professional or hobbyists, are able to lose ten pounds for their weigh-ins the night before a match. The…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips
The little secret to fitness success
No Magic pill to fitness success, just consistency! The elevator to Fitness success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs….One step at a time.”– Rande Wilson The fitness industry, often, focuses so strongly on the looks of each person rather than the benefits the person will receive in the long run. As…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips, Weight Loss
6 ways to get past a weight loss plateau
Get past your weight loss plateau The people I usually begin training, many times, started their weight loss journey on their own. They may have taken tips from a magazine, signed up for a gym membership, done a 60-90 day workout video program, and though they may have seen some results, they feel they need…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area
Cellulite: What can you do?
Secrets of Cellulite: What is cellulite: Cellulite is usually found when there is a decrease of estrogen in the body. This causes a decrease in circulation, which leads to less oxygen and nutrition to the area, which then leads to less collagen production. The other problem with decreased circulation is the fat cells in the…
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Healthy recipes
Delicious and Nutritious, Friday Night Dinner!
Healthy dinner, Halibut with Tomato basil salsa Ingredients: – 2 tomatoes, diced– 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped– 1 teaspoon fresh oregano, chopped– 1 tablespoon minced garlic– 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil– 4 halibut fillets, each 4 ounces Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Lightly coat a 9-by-13-inch baking pan with cooking spray. 2.…
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The scoop in all
Boot camp Update!
Voorhees Nj boot camp update! This weeks Boot camp is scheduled for 9am on saturday and Sunday at 12pm at 1150 White horse rd. Voorhees,NJ 08043 in the Smoothie king parking lot. Please bring workout gloves, a towel and a water bottle! The best Personal trainers and exercise specialist in Voorhees – Cherry hill –…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips
Should you use this equipment?
Advanced fitness equipment I am very often asked by athletes as well as people looking to lose weight, about adding a weight vest/ ankle weights to their workouts. My answer: Athletes: When using a weight vest, ankle weights, resistance bands, parachutes, sleds etc. They can all be effective ways of increasing stride length, Stride frequency,…
Training Aspects -
Personal trainer tips
Most common reason for not exercising
Solutions for not exercising One of the most common reasons for people’s lack of exercise throughout the week, just isn’t enough time. I get it, we live in a fast paced world. We all strive to be better than the next person, so we multitask to create more time. Eat as we run out the door,…
Training Aspects -
Fitness and Nutrition News in South Jersey area, Personal trainer tips
Improve your workout Part 3
Improve your workout Continued: 5. CHANGE IT UP You hear it all the time. There are plenty of ways to do it, but you just might not know how, or feel confident enough to do it. The options seem limited to cardio and weights. What else is there to do? Persona trainer Fix Cardio people,…
Training Aspects -
Fit and healthy, Personal trainer tips
6 ways to Improve your workout Part 2
Improve your workout 3. Order of fitness Exercises The sequence of exercises within a workout is never mentioned in media, but is in fact important. You can have a list of exercises and attack it however you’d like, but there are guidelines for a more efficient routine. Just like starting a routine with a large muscle…
Training Aspects -
Personal trainer tips
6 ways to improve your workout program
Large Muscle Group Isolation Days The most popular way to exercise today. You learn it from friends, magazines, websites, even “professionals.” But have you ever wondered why the majority of weight training programs were developed this way? The method trickled down from unnatural bodybuilders, a.k.a. steroid users. They go to the gym twice a day, isolating…
Training Aspects