
Are You Getting The Right Nutrient Combos? Iron and Vitamin C

Are You Getting The Right Nutrient Combos? Iron and Vitamin C

Iron and Vitamin C are 2 of the most important nutrients you can provide to your body. Did you know that they absorb better in combination with one another? It’s great to get as many vitamins and minerals in as possible but you also want to make sure you are actually getting the benefits from them as well.


orangesFood Sources of Vitamin C:

Oranges, grapefruit, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries, cantaloupe, brussel sprouts, and pineapple.

Food Sources of Iron:

Meats like chicken, turkey, steak. Also Eggs, beans, legumes, chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, spinach and swiss chard.

Bonus tip:

Calcium can actually reduce the amount of iron that is absorbed so save your milk, cheese or yogurt for other meals!

How to Make the Perfect Meal 🙂

Next meal grill up some chicken with bell peppers and broccoli. Or try a strawberry and spinach salad!


Written By:

Robert Jost



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kettlebells vs dumbbells

5 Thoughts on Dumbbells vs. Kettlebells

5 Thoughts on Dumbbells vs. Kettlebells


More detailed description and video below!

kettlebells vs dumbbells

1. Weight Distribution:

Dumbbells: The weight is evenly distributed on both sides. Making the feeling of the dumbbell a little more comfortable for most exercises. 

Kettlebells: The weight is balanced down the middle. Since the weight is all in one spot it can certain make exercises more difficult and recruit different muscles.

2. Exercise Selection:

Dumbbells: Great for strength and resistance training exercises. Evenly distributed weights allow for more weight to be lifted.

Kettlebells: Great for body movement and power exercises. A balanced weight allows for you to move with the bell and create more power.

3. Muscle Activation:

Dumbbells: Typically used to isolate and activate a select few muscles at a time. Ex: The DB bench press – Muscles activated are primarily the chest, shoulders and triceps.

Kettlebells: Can be used in many different full body movements activating the whole body at once. Ex: Kettlebell snatch – Muscles activated – glutes, hamstrings, core/abs, shoulders, triceps just to name a few. Almost every muscle in the body gets activated and you develop full body neuromuscular coordination. 

4. Fat Burning Capabilities:

Dumbbells: Strength and resistance training will result in increased lean muscle mass which will increase your metabolism, leading to improved fat burning capabilities.

Kettlebells:  The quick, powerful full body movements increase fat burning by using more muscle groups and increasing heart-rate and cardio output.

5. Goal Set:

Dumbbells: Great for anyone looking to increase lean muscle mass or gain overall strength. Body builders, physique competitors and those looking to increase size will benefit the most from this type of training.

Kettlebells: Great for those looking to increase power, improve body movement and develop full body neuromuscular control and coordination. Athletes, fat loss clients and anyone looking to improve body movement will benefit the most from this type of training.


Now you don’t have to stick to only one or the other. Vary up your training by using both but make sure you’re primarily sticking to what is going to get you to your goal!



Written By:

Robert Jost


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New years resolution to success


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Voorhees, NJ 08043

plan for success

New years resolutions… Guide to success

The S.M.A.R.T. system for goal setting is often used for individual, team and corporate environments. It is very logical and precise. However, goal setting only works if the purpose fits in line with the rest of the person’s world.  3 steps before you begin the Smart method.

plan for successThe Purpose:

Set your self up for success. Whatever your goal is, take a step back and ask yourself a few things. 1. Is this truly my goal, why? Then write every thought. Then ask yourself why are those things important to you. Example Looking better, being healthier, having more energy, running around with your kids, are all logical and have some emotion but get away from logic and find that deeper meaning. Then when you finish writing that, ask your self one more time but this time go a little deeper,  Why ? 2. Do you truly want this goal and are you willing/able to make sacrifice for that goal. If you want to lose 20-30lbs in 12 weeks but aren’t ready or able to commit the changes you may want to rethink your goal. A goal only works if you truly commit to overcoming the obstacles and challenges ahead, no turning back.  3. Don’t just set the goal for a specific date, whats the plan after that, you’ve invested money, time, hard work and now you’re just going to go back to your old habits?… “No way”, “Of cour

Training Aspects, Personal Training, Personal Trainer, Battle Ropes, Fitness, Exercise, Workout, Battle Rope Benefits

se I’m going to keep going, just maybe not as disciplined”, “trust me I can do this I have great will power”. All normal responses, and at the time the mindset is on winning, accomplishing that goal of looking a certain way or fitting into that dress, or that old jacket. It’s good to have a short term goal but create a “vision goal” once you accomplish that short term goal then set the goal for the long term, don’t waste the time, effort

and money achieving your short term goal then go back to your old habits.

The Plan:

fitness agenda for personal training successThe Training Aspects Puzzle, our actions, likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits etc. are puzzle pieces in “Your” puzzle. Your favorite Celebrity, athlete , teacher, family member have their own puzzle. Stop trying to fit their puzzle pieces into your puzzle. Develop a system that will work for “your” specific puzzle. Committing to a vegetarian diet, because your best friend did it and looks leaner and healthier does not mean that puzzle piece will fit in your life. If you were motivated by your best friends results to make a lifestyle change, Fantastic! Now sit down and think about your health, not the specific goal of weight loss. What can you do to become more healthy? If you don’t know, maybe you should find an expert in the field ( Don’t worry you can check that part off, we’re going to help you with that.). Your life has various commitments, ones that you are able to give up, ones that you may give up but may be challenging and ones that are unbreakable commitments. This exercises is very important, forget about the amazing results your friend or anyone else got (that’s not your puzzle) focus in on what you are capable and willing to change. For example, Don’t stop at Dunkin donuts for a coffee with 2 sugars and extra cream, or instead of eating at the local pizza place around work bring a lunch or go to a deli. Start taking the stairs, start going to the gym 3xs a week (you don’t need to make yourself sore, just create the habit of going). What can you add into your life that’s easy. Start creating the habit.

The Action

Now that you know what you are willing, not willing and what habits fit into your life, let’s figure out your short term goal and the vision goal. When you’re at the bottom of a mountain it looks like a long way up, understand you’re goal is to get to the top (the Visionary goal) but focus on one point that you can see the obstacles and challenges you’ll need to overcome. Once you get there set your sights on the next point, understand your obstacles/ challenges as best as you can then get to that point. Repeat this process until you achieve the vision you set out for yourself.

Bringing it all together

  1. The purpose: Understand why you want to start working out. Yes, you want to get healthier, more fit, lose weight but when you really understand why you’re doing something, when you’re tired, not in the mood, have a more fun option, fitness becomes a priority, not a choice. Understand why you are investing your valuable time into this program and we promise true results.
  2. The plan: What obstacles do you need to overcome and how can you put yourself in the best situation to win. Do not focus on how quickly your friend or whoever lost weight/bodyfat, the obstacles and challenges in their life may be different. Focus on your puzzle and what commitments you can commit to. You’ll get there! Win the day, over and over again and you will win th week.. the month.. the year!
  3. The Vision: Have your short term goal set up but remember its a lifestyle change so reach for the top of the mountain not just the first peak. The Long term goal is what will keep you acting on your goals and keep you focused on achieving success.

Kirill Vaks



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3 tips for summer success



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Voorhees, NJ 08043

carrot cake

Healthy Holiday Carrot Cake

Healthy Holiday Carrot Cake


Try this healthy carrot cake just in time for the Holidays!

carrot cakeIngredients:


For the Cashew Cream Frosting:
  • 2 cups cashews
  • ? cup honey
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • Water (as required)
For the Carrot Cake:
  • 2 large carrots, peeled and diced
  • 1 cup almond meal
  • 1 cup hazelnut meal
  • 1 cup dates
  • ½ cup dried apricots
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste)
  • ¼ cup shredded coconut
  • ¼ cup dried pineapple
  • ¼ cup sultanas or raisins
  • ½ teaspoon orange zest
To decorate:
  • Dried fruits and nuts of your choice. Or shredded/flaked coconut.



To make the Cashew Cream Frosting:
  1. Step 1 – Place cashews into a blender (or food processor.) Blend on high speed until a paste-like cashew cream begins to form. 
  2. Step 2 – Add the honey, lemon juice and coconut oil. Blend until the cashews become creamier. Add water gradually and as little as possible. How much water you need will vary.
To make the Carrot Cake:
  1. Step 1 – Place the diced carrots, almond meal, hazelnut meal, dates, dried apricots, and cinnamon into your food processor. Blend until very well combine and forms a soft paste.
  2. Step 2 – Add coconut, dried pineapple, sultanas/raisins, and orange zest to the mixture in the food processor. Blend very briefly until combined. You want these ingredients to be less processed so that there’s some texture variance in the finished cake.

To Assemble:

  1. Use either two mini spring-form pans or a small spring-form pan.
  2. Press a layer of carrot cake mixture into the base of your pan. 
  3. Add a layer of cashew cream frosting.
  4. Optional: Sprinkle dried fruits and nuts on the cashew cream frosting layer. Shredded or flaked coconut would also work well.
  5. Add another layer of carrot cake mixture onto of the cashew cream frosting. Smooth top of cake so it’s even.
  6. For best results refrigerate for a few hours (or overnight). Place plastic wrap or a plate over the top of the cake to prevent it drying out in the fridge. If you’re not refrigerating, move straight onto Step 6.
  7. Remove the cakes carefully from spring-form pans. The cakes will still be malleable so handle them gently.
  8. Top cakes with cashew cream frosting and decorate as you like.
  9. Slice and Enjoy!

Recipe by: 

Nika White



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Voorhees, NJ 08043

Recipe of the Week: Shrimp and Quinoa Salad

Recipe of the Week: Shrimp and Quinoa Salad

If you are looking for a change up to your normal salad you are going to want to give this one a try!


  • Quinoa
  • Shrimp (peeled)
  • Broccoli
  • Green peas
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumber
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Olive oil
  • Mint
  • Chili peppers (optional)
  • Apple cider vinegar


  • Boil the quinoa, broccoli, and shrimp.
  • Defrost peas and grill the Zucchini.
  • Finely chop the chili peppers.
  • Toast the seeds (optional)
  • Mix together in a mixing bowl.
  • Add olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper, and mint to taste.


Recipe by:

Nika White



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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Are Your Landing Mechanics the Missing Link to Top Sports Performance?

Are Your Landing Mechanics the Missing Link to Top Sports Performance?


So you’ve been working on your speed, power and explosiveness all season but have you actually been getting the most out of it? If you haven’t perfected your landing mechanics and ground contact on every stride, then you’re minimizing your playmaking capability and setting yourself up for potential injury.

What Does Landing Mechanics Mean?

Landing mechanics are what allows your body to set you up for the next move or bring your body to an effective stop. Whether it be a straight forward jump, lateral jump, a cut/juke move, or coming to a complete stop, how you land and the set up dictates the next move. 

How Will It Improve Sports Performance?

Landing mechanics are one of the biggest factors that can immediately improve your performance. If you can efficiently absorb the forces your putting into the ground with every step, juke and landing then you can effectively explode out of that move like a loaded spring. This leads to a more efficient and effective juke, and stride. To put it simple you use less energy and make more plays.

How Can It Reduce My Injury Risk?

 Landing is crucial to staying healthy and keeping yourself on the field or ice. Over time that landing issue, even if it’s minuscule, will lead to injury. For example, if your knees are collapsing inward every time you land,  this creates excessive force on your knee joints. Over time, this may lead to problems such as an ACL, MCL or meniscus tear. If you’re effectively landing with all joints aligned, then you’re more likely to stay healthy and dominate the game.


Here is a breakdown of proper landing mechanics.









Bad: Knees Collapsing in                                Good: Knees Aligned


Written By: 

Robert Jost



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Inside of the Flyers Training Center
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Voorhees, NJ 08043

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…


Recipe of the Week: Healthy Almond Cookies

Holiday Cookie Alternative: Healthy Almond Cookies


The holidays are right around the corner and that means cookies everywhere! Here is a super easy and healthy recipe to hit your cookie craving this season.



  • 3 egg whites
  • 6 tablespoons almond flour
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 2 cups almond flakes


  • Mix egg whites, almond flour, and honey in a mixing bowl.
  • Add almond flakes to mixture and stir until combined
  • Make mixture into 10 medium sized cookies on baking pan
  • Cook on 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes
  • Enjoy!



Let us know how they came out and if they resolve your cookie craving this holiday season!


Written By:

Robert Jost


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Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…


Is Body Movement Training The Next Big Thing?

Is Body Movement Training The Next Big Thing?

What is Body Movement Training?

Body movement training can be summed up to pretty much any type of body movement done efficiently: running, walking,  jumping, bounding, rolling, cartwheels. These movements are already found in some fitness programs, but are they being done properly? And are they being worked on and perfected?

Hasn’t Body Movement Always Been a Thing?

It was a thing! Unfortunately, most people don’t move efficiently or often, leading to poor body mechanics and posture. This then leads to pain and potential injury. The vast majority of people are sitting behind desks for 8+ hours a day, followed by a few more hours in the car and on the couch to finish out the day. Our actions create habits and a habit of poor posture and inactivity doesn’t transfer well to healthy movement.

How Can I Make My Body Move More Efficiently?

Stop sitting so much, start there! For every hour you sit, make it a rule to at least get up and move around for 5 minutes. Do get a better idea of your body’s movement needs. Come in for a movement assessment. An assessment can pinpoint the body compensations and muscle imbalances developed over the years. These imbalances can come from various every day habits. You have a Desk job and aren’t very active. You play sports or have played sports and have developed imbalances because of the repetitive sporting movements. You’re an avid gym goer and have poor movement habits that lead to you doing the exercises incorrectly. Whatever it may be a movement assessment can help find the fix.

What is a Movement Assessment?

A movement assessment typically starts with a squat assessment. From this squat assessment every joint and muscle movement can be seen. Compensation patterns and muscle imbalances are determined. From there the most productive workout program can be put together to get your body moving more efficiently and in less pain! Now the true body movement training program begins!

Where Can I Get An Assessment?

More facilities are providing movement assessments than ever before, which is great for the future of body movement training, but not all assessments are created equal. Just make sure you do your homework on the place and find out if they do a movement assessment. If you live in the South Jersey area or want to complete an online movement assessment and suggestions on how to improve, we would be happy to help.

Written By:

Robert Jost



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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

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Inside of the Flyers Training Center
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Voorhees, NJ 08043

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…


High Protein No Lettuce Salad in a Cup!

High Protein No Lettuce Salad in a Cup!

Looking for a change up to the regular lettuce salad that is still easy to make? Why not go no lettuce! Try this no lettuce high protein salad that will keep you full for hours.


  • 2 hardboiled eggs
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup Korean carrot, peppers, or olives
  • 1 small pickle
  • 1 oz. smoked salmon
  • 2 tbsp. plain yogurt


Veggies are adjustable to whatever you like 🙂



Fancy way 😉

  • Grab a nice glass and begin to layer the ingredients
  • Use the yogurt as a layer separator
  • Garnish with avocado


Easy way

  • Grab all the ingredients, toss them into a bowl and enjoy! 😀


Take your pick on how you’d like to prepare it, it’s delicious and nutritious either way!


Written By:

Robert Jost



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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…


Recipe of the Week: Low Carb Healthy Pumpkin Muffins

Recipe of the Week: Low Carb Healthy Pumpkin Muffins


Pumpkin flavored recipes are everywhere right now! Unfortunately most of the recipes are not health friendly, but here’s a pumpkin recipe that you can enjoy and not feel guilty about!


  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten.
  • 3/4 cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 3 Tablespoons melted coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup chopped pecans


Makes 10 muffins total!!



  • Preheat oven to 350° F and spray 10 muffin cups so they don’t stick.
  • Whisk together the almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda, salt, and pumpkin pie spice in a mixing bowl.
  • Add the eggs, pumpkin, coconut oil, vanilla, and honey. Mix until combined.
  • Spoon into 10 muffin cups and sprinkle the chopped pecans and additional pumpkin pie spice on top.
  • Bake for 20 – 25 minutes. Use a toothpick to gauge when its done. It should come out clean.
  • Transfer to a rack cooling.



Written By:

Robert Jost



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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…