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Natural Testosterone level masking agents

In present day sports, performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) but more specifically testosterone, are consistently in the headlines. The current scandal surrounds Lance Armstrong; his titles, the live strong foundation, his legacy etc.  I was reading through my weekly articles and found this one to be fitting.


 Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Learn to do pull ups with Training Aspects Personal training

Do Pull ups

How to do more pull ups

Problem: I want to do more pull ups!

Do more pull ups

I was sitting in a public area the other day and overheard a young woman asking a guy who, sounded like a fitness enthusiast “ I am very strong and slim, but for some reason I can’t do a pull up, what do you think I should do?”.  His answer was pretty straight forward “it’s a back exercise so you must have a weak back. Just increase your strength by doing rows and pull downs.  That should do the trick”. Now though it is true that the major muscle involved in the exercise, if done properly, are the muscles of the back. However, your body must work in unison as well as begin processing the movement. The kinetic chain, in the body, is a cycle between the muscular, skeletal and neurological systems. If all three systems are unable to do their jobs, no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to complete the exercise.  The body does not move one muscle at a time. There are a number of muscles firing with any motion performed, especially during a pull up.


Now the follow up to the approach “just keep trying” is.. “so  I should just hang there?”  Yes… & no! As you hang there  for as long as your grip allows, try to pull yourself up as much as you can (anything is better than nothing). Hang and pump! Activate the muscles that should be pulling you up, this way your body gets a taste of what is to come. There are also modified exercises which must be done to accompany hanging there.   Begin doing a “control down” or eccentric pull up. Begin at the top of the pull up, your arms at 90 degrees or chin to bar (use a step, plyo box, or just jump up into the pull up position.) Then control the motion from the top down as slow as possible.  To add another exercise into it, you can also use an assisted pull up machine. Make sure to challenge yourself when performing assisted pull-ups. If you can do more than 4 reps, decrease the assisted weight until you are doing them on your own.

If you can do a pull up. Do as many as you can and then perform the exercises mentioned in the previous paragraph. This will increase your total pull up reps as well as overall strength!

For other tips, questions or comments feel free to email!

 By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfieldMarlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Knee pain no problem training aspects personal trainer can help

Knee pain, No problem!

Knee Pain, Still want to workout?!

Knee pain no problem training aspects personal trainer can help
When your goal is to lose weight but you can’t do much with the lower body due to knee pain, results seem impossible.  Doing cardio on machines may hurt during the exercise, but what’s worse is that the extra wear and tear can actually have more negative impact in the future.  Implementing cardio through resistance training also causes problems since your largest muscle groups can’t be activated through squatting or lunging, due to the knee pain.   Whether your knee pain stems from a legitimate knee injury (ACL tear, no cartilage in your knee etc.) or your knee pain, as stated in the last article, is from underdeveloped areas which need more focus, your goal is to lose weight.

The solution is Kettlebells!  What could be more exciting and effective than swinging aWorkout of the Week: Kettlebell Flow, Training Aspects bell!?  (For me personally, there is nothing more exciting.)  True kettlebell exercises are power exercises.  In other words, by the definition of power, maximizing work performed per unit of time, by incorporating more muscles, you increase the amount of work done.  Simply, power exercises force you to do more work than regular exercises, thereby yielding more energy used, or more calories burned.  You may be asking how this helps bypass the knee pain.  Power exercises incorporate your whole body, which all stems from the hips.  The kettlebell exercises use minimal knee bending!


Here are the top 4 Kettlebell exercises (for beginners) .

1. The Kettlebell swing: all Kettlebell exercises are based off of the swing.  A Whole body ensemble!
Click Picture to see video 

Click picture to see exercise! start at 1min 40 seconds

2. The Kettlebell swinging high pull: a very effective exercise with the base principles from the swing, but have a stronger focus on your back and posterior deltoids as well.
Click Picture to see video  

Click picture for the high pull. Start video at 5mins 16 seconds

3. The Kettlebell clean: Use a challenging bell! Remember you should not be able to bicep curl as much weight as you can perform with the clean.
Click Picture to see video 

Click picture to see the clean

4.  The Kettlebell snatch:the most advanced of the three others named.  The snatch is based off of the high pull with a smooth vertical transition.
Click Picture to see video  

Click to see the Kettlebell snatch

**Make sure to learn from a qualified kettlebell instructor for best results and experience.**

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested articles:
* Knee pain solution 
* Weight loss Top 5 don’ts
Suggested Video:
*Kettlebells Vs. Dumbells


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfieldMarlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Get results with Training Aspects Personal training

Knee pain solution

Kettlebells have become a very  popular training style in the past 5-10years, in the USA. The Kettlebells, unlike many other popular fads, are here to stay. Besides being one of the most effective ways of training, whether to lose weight or for athletic performance, they can also be used for people with bad knees who have trouble squatting, lunging or pretty much doing any exercise for their lower body. If you have bad knees and  are in too much pain to do lower body exercises, it is very hard to accomplish your fitness goals. The article written by Dr. Ben Fung goes into more detail anatomically on how the kettlebells can help people with knee pain, specifically. I will elaborate and share some more examples in the upcoming article on effective kettlebell exercises for people with knee pain and looking to lose weight.  click the picture to read his article “Kettlebells for knee pain”.

Get results with Training Aspects Personal training

click picture for article


By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested articles:
*  6 ways, weight loss plateau
*  5 Don’ts

Suggested Video:
*Kettlebell Basics


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

Sports Coach, Sports Performance, Sports Performance Coach, Fitness, Strength Coach, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness Coach, Women Lifting, Resistance Training, Women Resistance Training, South Jersey

Part 2 progression of training

Progressions of training for athletes:

Last week I mentioned that an individual’s advancement in the progressions depends on his or her specific goals and capacity to complete them.  The next two phases, maximum strength and power, consist of advanced movements and total body awareness.  No matter what sport you compete in, or goal set. The next two stages are essential.  In the same respect, many of the exercises from these phases are thrown about the gym with no regard to the risk of injury. Focus


Phase 3: Maximum Strength.  This refers to the highest force produced within the muscles to create a maximum contraction.  More simply stated, it’s the most amount of weight that can be lifted in a given exercise.  An effect of maximum strength training is a synchronization of muscle fiber firing during a contraction.  To give you a picture, lets diveTrain movement not muscle 3 reasons into the muscle.  Strings of muscle fibers run along the inside of the muscle and act as small rubber bands.  If more of these muscle fibers pull at once, the muscle contraction as a whole will be stronger.  Another effect of maximum strength training is an increase in contractile force.  Muscles must adapt to the load placed upon them.  Consistently lifting heavy weights will enable the muscle fibers to contract with more force.  One misconception about strengthening is that you must push until fatigue for the best result.  When an individual pushes to exhaustion they have strayed away from the goal in mind, PURE STRENGTH.  One hundred pushups is an example of muscle endurance and will allow you to make that movement repeatedly.  If you are strengthening, the aim is to bench press as much weight as possible only once. These are different modes of exercise and challenge different energy systems. Therefore, one does not equal the other.

“Because strength is a crucial athletic ability, it always has to be trained with theGet results with Training Aspects Personal training other abilities.”(periodization training for sports) This phase is a main focus during pre-season in athletics and can last for 3 to 9 weeks. During the competitive season strength training is woven into the week to assure that the athletes will lose as little strength as possible.  Exercises are high intensity and low volume with rest intervals between 2 and 5 minutes for the muscles to fully recover between sets.  The movements are slow and controlled to create a large amount of tension in the fibers.  Eccentric and tempo training can be utilized to increase the contractile force in the muscle fibers.  Pay special attention to range of motion and technique due to the elevated risk of injury.  Make sure you are breathing properly so there is no loss in power.


Phase 4: Power. Work divided by time.  How quickly can you synchronize your muscles to lift large amounts of weight?  This is why body awareness is important from the day we start.  Exercises such as the power clean, clean and jerk, and power snatch require more than just pure strength, they require extreme coordination.  The advanced movements performed in the barbell power clean, for example, replicate multiple actions from other exercises.  It includes the deadlift, shrug, calf raise, high pull, and front squat to be completed consecutively in an explosive motion.  Easy?  Olympic weightlifters do this exercise lifting hundreds of pounds!  The muscles, again, need to be perfectly synchronized and must know the appropriate time to contract and relax.

            This is usually the last phase before transferring to sport specific plyometrics, sprints, agility, hand-eye coordination, etc.  The heavy weights that you are lifting very quickly with a jumping motion (power clean), is reduced to weights slightly more than your body weight.  Now we have the ability to move quicker with more power and strength to be utilized in competition.  There is still plenty of training to be done, but our progression of resistance has elevated our physical potential to be the absolute best we can possibly be.


Zak Goodman BS, CSCS
Exercise specialist

Suggested articles:
*3 reasons for your weight gain
*Body fat lifestyle change
Suggested video:
*K-bell Vs.  D-bell


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

The journey of training progressions

Progression of training

Personal Training program progressions

Typically, the trainer breaks down a resistance training program for athletes into phases,personal trainer progressions for the weight loss and body fat burn client. also known as progressions.  The progression that the athlete advances to depends on your specific goals and capacity to achieve them.  Of course, there are many other factors that are considered, but the results achieved through resistive exercises are due to the regiment put in place by good trainers.  This may also be utilized by healthy, active individuals looking to advance their workout.


Phase 1:  Anatomical Adaption.  Do you remember that feeling the first few times you ever lifted weights in the gym?  You felt stronger and probably thought you looked better in the mirror. It’s okay, we all did it.  This is due to the motor unit activation and muscle recruitment made within the body.  In other words, your nervous system woke up due to the new stresses placed upon it and told your muscles, “Hey! We need you!” Unfortunately, your body shape did not change and your muscles had not grown yet, but strength was definitely gained.

Training Aspects performance, fun training, train how you wantThis phase usually lasts about 2 weeks, give or take, depending on the individual.  Concentrate on controlled movements and feeling the exercises “within the muscles”.  Do not worry about the amount of weight being lifted.  It is important to know where your limbs are in accordance to your body as well.  Even though it may seem you are making progress, the correct neuromuscular connections need to be made.  Improper technique can lead to underdeveloped movements, and in turn cause injury in the long term. Some anatomical adaption exercises include machine bench press, lat pull-down, leg press, and leg curl.


Phase 2:  Hypertrophy.  This phase is most commonly seen in the gym even though the name may be unfamiliar.  If your goal is to be “sculpted”, then this is where you keep your training.  This is not the main function of this stage for athletes though.  In relation to sports, hypertrophy refers to the growth of muscle fibers to build the capacity for later phases.  A base is established to prime the muscles to move into maximum strength,  muscle endurance, and/or maximum power.  This is why moderate loads are lifted until exhaustion and drop sets, super sets, and compound sets are utilized.

If you are moving forward in your progression, the hypertrophy phase can last 1 to 6 weeks depending on an individuals goals and experience.  It is usually tied in with

The journey of training progressions

anatomical adaption, but repetitions are lowered and resistance is increased.  Again, technique is very important and must receive special attention.  Advanced exercises will soon increase in intensity, which refers to the percentage of your one repetition maximum.  The pace of a single session does not replicate competition speeds at this point and rest periods are 60 to 90 seconds for muscle recovery.



Next week will cover the maximum strength and power phases.

Zak Goodman BS, CSCS
Exercise specialist

Suggested Articles:
7 Myths
* Improve your training program

Suggested video:
*  15minute challenge 


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Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield,Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

SPorts performance facility in voorhees and Sewell New Jersey.

Athlete Performance

Athlete performance:

Athlete performance for results

Training Aspects’ has the top Strength and conditioning coaches in the South Jersey area!
We can help you increase your performance on and off the field/ice. If you are currently in season, we can help you stay fresh!If you’re in off season mode let us help you prepare for the season, so you can take it to the next level!

Increase performance: We can help you increase strength, endurance, agility, speed, power, efficiency etc. no matter your sport!

Sport specific training: Currently we work privately with:
*MMA/ Boxing
*Youth soccer

1 on 1 training comparable to none!  Cherry Hill, Marlton, Haddonfield and Surrounding areas!




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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043

4 Effective Training Principles

Are you effectively Personal training?

Effective Training for the personal training clientThere are various group fitness classes and personal training programs available out there. With all the different choices how can a person know if what they are doing is effective? Many follow the protocol “no pain no gain”, there is some validity there. Others believe if they are sweating they must be having a great workout, not necessarily true. Here are four principles which should always be in mind


The Principle of Overload: Body must be challenged!

The principle of overload states that a greater than normal stress or load on the body is required for training adaptation to take place. What this means is that in order to improve your fitness, strength or endurance, you need to increase the workload accordingly. A muscle must be under unusual stress to become stronger.  What does this mean to you? If you go into the gym, do the same weight and workout every week; Chest and Triceps Monday, Cardio Tuesday, a plateau is coming your way!

Principal of overload for Personal and group training successThe Principle of Progression: Advancing through overload without injury or setback.

The principle of progression implies that there is an optimal level of overload that should be achieved, and an optimal time frame for this overload to occur. A gradual and systematic increase of the workload over a period of time will result in improvements in fitness without risk of injury.  Referring back to the principle of overload, though it is important to stress the muscle, it is important to understand your limitations so that you can “progressively” improve.  Meaning: Whatever your goal is you have to crawl before you can run.

The Principle of Adaptation:

Adaptation refers to the body’s ability to adjust to increase or decreased physical demands. It is also one way we learn to coordinate muscle movement and develop sports-specific skills. Repeatedly practicing a skill or activity makes it second-nature and easier to perform. Adaptation explains why initially you are often sore after starting a new training routine, but after doing the same program for a few weeks you have little, if any, muscle soreness. Meaning: the human body is meant for survival, the body will adapt and it will get easier,


The Principle of Specificity

The Principle of Specificity indicates that, to become better at a particular exercise or skill, you must perform that exercise or skill. A person looking to lose weight should focus on decreasing body fat, a person looking to increase muscle tone should focus on muscle toning. While it’s helpful to have a good base in fitness, to accomplish your goal you must focus on your goal.

Specific training for the advanced athlete

The 4 principles always collide. Principle of overload must be combined with progression. The Principle of adaption must be monitored, if your body has adapted then you are no longer challenging your body which means the principle of overload is no longer being stressed. Principle of specificity keeps you focused. Always refer back and make sure the program you are beginning or have been following has all 4 principles in mind weekly.

By: Kirill Vaks
Fitness and exercise specialist
BA, CSCS, ACSM-cpt, NFPT-sns 

Suggested articles: 
The fitness secret
* Get rid of these 4 

Suggested video:
* Testimonial Jake 


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Training Aspects Personal Training and Sports Performance:

Training Aspects’  personal trainers and sports performance coaches want you to accomplish your goals. You, as the personal training client, are a reflection of our personal training and group training methods! We are here to help you accomplish all of your personal training goals!  Our main training focus are people looking to increase performance, lose weight , lose body fat and increase lean muscle. Whether you live in Cherry HillHaddonfield, Marlton, or any of the other surrounding areas we are here to help you Move, Look and feel as you’ve always desired…

Visit us:
Inside of the Flyers Training Center
601 Laurel Oak Rd.
Voorhees, NJ 08043