Kettlebell flow for hockey performance

The #1 Missing Piece to Your Hockey Training

The #1 Missing Piece to Your Hockey Training

It’s hard to know what to focus on with all the noise in the hockey performance world now a days. You hear conflicting things from all angles…work on speed stuff, you need to be more mobile, do this program, this exercise is the best. How do you know what to follow? Although these all may be beneficial in some way, you want the most bang for your buck when it comes to your performance training. We’ll break down the #1 missing aspect in your hockey training program to maximize your results!

Using Weight as an Extension of your Body

Sounds cool…but what does that even mean? Everyone wants to lift huge amounts of weight to get stronger and be better on the ice, that can work to an extent but to truly maximize your hockey performance you need to be strong with your body moving in all planes of motion! To elaborate, you are only as strong as your body can handle that load in that plane of motion. Example: I can squat 400 lbs. But can you squat 400 lbs while stepping side to side or while you rotate? I’m going to take a wild guess and say…probably not! 

Mastering your Weight Transfer:

Weight transfer is everything when it comes to hockey! Shifting side to side, rotating your hips and core, changing direction quickly…these are happening all the time on the ice. Mastering your weight transfer will help you flow effortlessly on the ice while saving energy and stamina!

Here is a more in-depth explanation of weight transfer


When to Add Weight:

So where does the weight come in? Once you master your weight transfer you can begin to add some weight, always go lighter first. The goal is to be able to control the weight as an extension of your body, as well as flow from movement to movement effortlessly. This can be done with kettlebells, dumbbells and even barbells. We recommend mastering kettlebells and dumbbells first, then progressing to barbells.

Here are some great exercises using weight as an extension of your body.


How Does it Increase Hockey Performance?

You only need to be as strong as you need to be for the demands of your sport. In hockey you don’t need to move 400 lbs up and down, you need to be able to throw your weight in the corners, shift your weight side to side, rotate explosively, be strong on your skates in awkward positions…the list goes on! The stronger you can be in any and every position on the ice, the stronger hockey player you’ll be! So train to be strong in all planes of motion!

Where do I go from Here?

You still need to build the foundation first but using weight as an extension of your body and improving your weight transfer can take your hockey performance to the next level! If you’re not sure where to start, always start slow and light! You can always progress up. Consulting with a Hockey Performance professional can be a great idea as well! These are advanced movements and they will know the best way to progress you properly to avoid injury and get the best results!


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Boxing Training, Cardiovascular workout, Sparring, Boxing workout

5 Ways Boxing Can Enhance Your Life

“Discover the Benefits of Boxing: Why It will elevate you.”

When looking for a change or just need something take you past a plateau, boxing may be your answer. There is no better way to find community, increase fitness and health, add confidence or develop a new skill. Here are 5 ways boxing can elevate you.

Elevates Overall Health:

Boxing, Team, Boxing Family, Boxing is Therapeutic, Boxing in Your Life

Experience a holistic health boost – from weight loss to enhanced cardiovascular performance. Boxing training refines coordination, sharpens reflexes, and hones reaction time. Intense sessions promote increased blood flow, fostering heart health. Punching mitts, working the heavy bag and skipping rope are a few types of cardio that will assist in preparing you to get into the ring to spar, where you really learn to control your breathing. This is a skill that will take your overall health and fitness to another level.

Enhances Full Body Strength:

Adopt the mindset of a fighter to not only fortify physical strength but also nurture mental resilience. Immerse yourself in boxing workouts, combined with cardio and calisthenics, to amplify full-body strength. The rotational and lateral movements in boxing training will undoubtedly improve your body’s overall mobility and stability. The ability to find full power in each punch comes from your body’s ability to generate power as one unit, no one muscle focus here!

Stress Reliever:Boxing Training, Cardiovascular workout, Sparring, Boxing workout

Discover the perfect stress release by engaging in the controlled chaos of throwing and dodging punches. Amidst the daily challenges of work, school, or life, find solace and rejuvenation by adding boxing training to your life.

Builds Mental Toughness:

Life is full of ups and downs, and has many similarities to a championship bout. If you get knocked down. You can either lie on the canvas, quit and miss the 10-count or you can dig deep, and unleash that deeper intrinsic motivation and desire to win and get back in there champ! Forge mental fortitude through boxing training, equipping yourself with tools to stand tall in any situation. Inside and outside the ring, develop the resolve to navigate through life’s toughest tests.

It’s Therapeutic:

Beyond being a combat sport, boxing emerges as holistic therapeutic medicine for both body and mind. Integrate boxing into your life to elevate physical capabilities, enhance appearance, and uplift overall quality of life.
Embrace the benefits of boxing and redefine your life. Lace up your gloves, step into the ring, and experience the transformative power of boxing. Embrace the challenge, reap the rewards, and make boxing an integral part of your journey towards a healthier, stronger, and more resilient you.”

Written by:

Thomas E. Kennedy III  

Boxing Coach 

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Boxing Training, boxing mitt work, shadow boxing, boxing step, defensive boxing

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Drink More Water!

Drink Your Gallon of Water Daily. Thank Me Later!

It’s no secret at this point: water is the only liquid that should be consumed in abundance on a daily basis. But do we know why? There are dozens of reasons. Let’s go over some of what this miracle beverage does for us!

  1. It’s the Elixir of Life!

Being hydrated helps allow your bodily systems to function properly and efficiently. When you’re hydrated, the fluids in your body get balanced. You won’t have dry mouth or the feeling of being thirsty because your saliva is being produced through hydration. You won’t have an itchy or dry nose and throat because being hydrated helps in the production of mucus. It also helps keep your joints lubricated so they move more efficiently.

  1. Radiant Skin!

Do you want your skin to look as luscious as your favorite Instagrammers? Hydrate! Your skin absorbs the water from the inside out! Think of it like watering a plant. You don’t have to pour the water on the plant; you have to make sure the soil or the plant’s roots are hydrated. The skin works the same way. Your skin will be less dry and wrinkly. Just ask the people with great skin what their secret is!


Did you know that you don’t NEED the 300+mg of caffeine that you consume daily? At this point, you may need it to keep your headaches away from caffeine withdrawal, but your body doesn’t NEED you to consume that caffeine. Your body will feel way more energy replacing that coffee or energy drink with… MORE WATER!

  1. Weight Loss?!

Consuming 1 gallon of water daily WILL change your dietary habits. You will be more full so less likely to eat junk as it curbs your appetite. Metabolism also gets boosted when your body stays hydrated. There is even a concept that drinking 16 oz of water in a given hour, your metabolism will spike 30% for 30-40 minutes. So you can boost your metabolism every hour by drinking 16 oz of water every 60 minutes!


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Ryan Hoff ASFA-CPT



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find support in people who will challenge and elevate you

How to get unstuck: 5 ways to get out of a slump

How to Get Unstuck: 5 Effective Strategies

Feeling stuck? It’s a common experience, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. Here are five effective strategies to help you break free from feeling trapped and stagnant:

Assess Your Routine:

Comfort is comforting, but it can also lead to feeling trapped in a monotonous cycle. While organized society has provided us with comforts like readily available food and entertainment, it’s also disconnected us from the primal instincts of fight or flight. Take control of your day by creating a daily essential routine that includes mandatory workouts, scheduled meals, and dedicated time for self-development. Challenge yourself to break free from the autopilot mode and actively shape your day.

Explore New Activities:

get unstuck, growth, feel betterFeeling stuck often stems from a lack of personal growth and new experiences. Break out of your comfort zone by joining a sports league, attending a meetup group, or starting a new hobby. Embrace the discomfort of the unfamiliar; as you overcome challenges, you’ll feel invigorated by the sense of accomplishment and personal growth.

Expand Your Perspective:

The people we surround ourselves with shape our outlook on life. If you feel stuck, it may be time to expose yourself to new perspectives. Challenge your mental state by reading 10 pages a day of material that offers a different viewpoint. By diversifying your reading material, you’ll gain fresh insights and expand your perspective on life.

Prioritize Your Health:

Maintaining your health is crucial for caring for yourself and your loved ones. Incorporate daily habits such as nutrition and exercise into your routine to ensure your well-being. By prioritizing your health, you’ll have the energy and vitality needed to tackle life’s challenges head-on.

Cultivate Meaningful Connections:

Surround yourself with individuals who inspire and support your personal growth. Seek out relationships that challenge you to befind support in people who will challenge and elevate you the best version of yourself and provide encouragement along the way. By fostering meaningful connections, you’ll create a supportive network that empowers you to break free from feeling stuck.

Incorporating these strategies into your life can help you break free from the rut of routine and rediscover a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Embrace change, seek new experiences, and prioritize your well-being as you embark on the journey to getting unstuck.


Written by:

Kirill Vaks BA, CSCS



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The miracle pill

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stretches, hips, tight hips, stretching hips, foam roller, foam rolling, personal trainer, south jersey, fitness

3 exercises for hip relief

Top 3 Ways to Stretch the Hips for Hockey Players Using Foam Rolling

If you’re a hockey player, for that matter. We understand the struggle of dealing with tight hips. Hours spent skating weekly, driving from game to game, and traveling across states can put your legs through a beating. Consequently, you may experience lower back tightness or tightness in the groin, often stemming from tightness in the hip region. Here are three quick stretches to help loosen up your hips and improve mobility, specifically tailored for hockey players.

Foam Rolling: Why It Helps the hockey athlete

Placing the foam roller directly under the tailbone/hips helps alleviate pressure on the hips and enables a wider range of stretching. This is particularly beneficial for hockey players, whose hips tend to be in Anterior Pelvic Tilt due to the skating motion and stance.

Stretch 1: Leg Sweeps

With the foam roller under your hips, keep the knee extended and toes flexed to emphasize the groin. Perform leg sweeps in a circular motion, gradually increasing the size of the circle with each rotation. You may feel tightness being released, often accompanied by a “cracking” sensation. Take your time with this stretch, aiming for 5-10 reps clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Stretch 2: Lying Knee Pull (Hug)

After completing leg sweeps, shake out your hips and keep one leg extended on the ground. Hug your other knee to your chest and hold for 10-15 seconds to feel the stretch and allow the joint to relax. Slowly extend the hugged knee, shake out your legs, and repeat with the other leg. Perform 1-2 sets or as needed.

Stretch 3: Lying Hip Tilts

Begin by lying on the foam roller with your stomach facing the ground. Tilt one hip at a 45-degree angle onto the roller, while the other hip faces the ceiling. Use your bottom leg and arms to roll up and down on the hip flexors, focusing on areas of tightness. Apply pressure to the roller for 10-15 seconds to release tension. Roll after releasing and repeat as necessary, then switch to the other hip.

No Foam Roller, No Problem

If you don’t have a foam roller, you can still try these stretches, although you’ll experience a deeper stretch with the roller. Additionally, there are other bodyweight exercises to loosen up the hip/pelvic area, such as the Figure 4 Stretch and Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch. Stay tuned for next week’s article for more on these stretches specifically beneficial for hockey players.


Written by:

Darrid Watson, CSCS, NSCA-CPT


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Boxing for health and confidence

Boxing is a form of art

A Boxing Coach’s Insight On The Art Of Boxing

When the average person thinks of boxing, images of bloodshed, pain, and brutality come to mind. While boxing is often seen as the hurt business, I, as a coach deeply involved in the world of boxing, believe it is a true form of ART!
How can a sport as grueling and violent as boxing be considered art? Allow me to share my perspective.

Definition of Art:

1. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power—works produced by human creative skill and imagination.
2. The various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance. “The visual arts.”
3. A skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through PRACTICE.
As a coach, I draw parallels between boxing and martial arts; both require careful instruction.
Mastering the fundamentals, techniques, skills, and diverse styles of boxing demands unwavering dedication and hard work. Boxing, like any true art form, MUST BE TAUGHT effectively to fighters eager to learn. In today’s fight game, there seems to be a shortage of old-school trainers who truly understand the art of teaching. The sport requires more teachers and historians of the game, not just strength and conditioning coaches. True students in the fight game are not merely willing to learn; they are eager to learn, embodying what it means to be COACHABLE. Patience, discipline, and a commitment to practice and repetition are crucial. World champions aren’t made overnight, and neither are formidable fighters!

Boxing Styles

As a coach, I emphasize that boxing styles define fighters, and mastering a chosen style is a result of years of training and relentless commitment. Notable styles include:
Boxing Training, boxing mitt work, shadow boxing, boxing step, defensive boxing• The brawler/slugger: This fighter goes toe-to-toe, applying constant pressure on the inside.
• The outside boxer: This strategic fighter avoids risks on the inside, maintaining distance with quick, long-range shots.
• The counterpuncher: A defensive master who anticipates and punishes opponents for their misses.
• The switch hitter: A versatile fighter capable of seamlessly switching between orthodox and southpaw stances, posing a constant challenge for opponents.


Every fighter is unique, and as a coach, I encourage each individual to add their creative touch to their fighting style. Roy Jones Jr., for instance, defied traditional boxing styles with his powerful, speedy, slick, and unorthodox approach. Embracing and enhancing one’s uniqueness is what makes boxing a genuine form of art.

Mindset and Focus

As a coach, I understand that only a select few fighters are wired to enjoy the mental strategizing and chess matches to methodically break down opponents. Visualization is key, from training shaping the mind, body, and soul to envisioning the entire fight process before it even happens.
The art of boxing is the ability to visualize a masterpiece and continuously put in the work to bring it to life!

Written by:

Thomas E. Kennedy III 

Boxing Coach



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hoodie up

5 ways Boxing is your medicine

“Unlocking the Power of Boxing: 5 Ways It Enhances Your Life”


Boxing: often misunderstood as a brutal, savage sport. But in reality, it’s a potent elixir for success. As a boxing coach, I’ve witnessed first hand the transformative power of this noble art.

Embrace the Present Moment:

In the ring, there’s no room for dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Boxing demands complete focus on the present. Whether you’re learning new techniques, honing your footwork, or sparring with a partner, the key is to stay in the moment. Boxing trains you to silence distractions and be fully engaged in the task at hand.

Strengthen Your Mental Resilience:

Boxing is like a game of chess played with your fists. Every move you make has consequences, and there’s no one to blame but yourself. Through rigorous training and relentless practice, you learn to adapt on the fly, even under the most intense pressure. This mental toughness translates beyond the ring, instilling a sense of control and accountability in every aspect of your life.

Unlock Your Full Potential:

As your coach, my mission is to help you discover the depths of your ability. Together, we’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, pushing past your limits and unlocking hidden potentials. Trust the process, and allow the culture of the community, the coaching and the desire to get better, unlock the greatness.

Forge Bonds in a Strong Community:

Boxing isn’t just an individual pursuit; it’s a team effort. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for excellence creates a powerful support network. Together, we’ll celebrate victories, overcome challenges, and grow stronger as a community. Being surrounded by people that don’t just talk but must be actionable, is special.

Find Sanctuary in the Gym:

Step into the gym, and leave the outside world behind. Here, amidst the rhythmic sound of skipping ropes and the thud of gloves hitting the pads, you’ll find peace. No phones, no distractions—just pure, unadulterated focus on self-improvement. Embrace the process, stay consistent, and watch as boxing becomes your sanctuary of growth and empowerment.

Boxing is more than just a sport—it’s a form of medicine for the mind, body, and soul. Embrace its teachings, trust in your coach, embrace the people and let the transformative journey begin. unleash the champion within you.

Written by:

Kirill Vaks BA, CSCS, 

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Voorhees, NJ 08043


Hockey Speed Training

Top 3 Ways to Increase Hockey Speed

Top 3 Ways to Increase Hockey Speed

Hockey is a game of speed! There is no doubt about that, but what is the best way to increase hockey speed? The typical go to’s include ladder drills, agility training or just doing exercises faster. These can have a benefit and increase speed but how much speed can you really gain with these? It all comes down to the 3 basic principles were going to break down for you to finally unleash the hockey speed you’ve been working so hard to achieve!

Hockey Speed Tip 1: Stability

Improve Stability to Increase Speed:

Everyone wants to get right into the fancy speed stuff to get faster, makes sense…but what you might not think about is how stable your body is that you’re trying to create speed with? Trying to create speed and explosiveness on a shaky/unstable frame will only get you so much faster, if at all, and will lead to limited results or potential injury!

Instead try increasing your overall stability first with these 3 exercises


Hockey Speed Tip 2: Weight Transfer

Learn how to transfer your weight effectively:

Weight transfer, sounds great…but what does it actually mean? It’s your body’s understanding of how to shift its weight in all planes of movement. This includes side to side movement, forward and backwards, as well as rotational. This sums up hockey, you are constantly changing direction and shifting your weight quickly in every possible direction you can imagine. If you train one dimensional in the gym, you’ll be one dimensional on the ice. Train to be strong and efficient in every direction and you’ll be faster in every direction!

Try these 3 weight transfer exercises to get faster on the ice.


Hockey Speed Tip 3: Movement Potential

Maximizing your Movement to Increase Speed:

Movement potential is maximizing your movements to get the most potential out of them! This means ensuring you get full extension through your strides and making sure every muscle fires properly to increase how much power and ultimately speed you can output! Not only will your movements be more powerful and speedier but also more efficient! Which leads to more energy saved, allowing you skate faster and harder for much longer!

Try these 3 Movement maximizing exercises.



Speed can be gained but only as far as these 3 principles will take you. If one of these are lacking, your attempts to increase speed will only go so far.  Master your stability, weight transfer and movement potential to unlock endless speed gains!



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Not feeling it today? Try these tips on still crushing your workout

Not feeling it today? Try these tips on still crushing your workout

Not Feeling it Today? Try These Tips on Still Crushing Your Workout

Not feeling it today? Try these tips on still crushing your workout

Ever had those days when just the thought of working out feels like a chore, and the couch is calling your name louder than your motivated self? We’ve all been there but don’t worry; skipping a workout isn’t the only option. This article will be your go-to guide for shaking off the “not feeling it” vibes and still conquering your workout goals. From low energy slumps to mental roadblocks, I have some tips that will have you turning the dial from “meh” to “let’s do this!” Learn some methods to kick that lazy feeling to the curb and feel prepared to fight back on that urge to skip.

Set a Specific Goal for The Session:

When figuring out the type of a workout feels more daunting than enticing, setting a specific goal for the session can be your secret weapon to turn things around. Instead of approaching your exercise routine with a vague sense of obligation, pinpoint a clear and achievable objective. It could be as simple as completing it in a certain timeframe, basing it around maintenance, or even getting in some active rest. By giving your workout a purpose, you transform it from a mundane task into a purposeful aid to your overall goals. This not only focuses your efforts but also infuses a sense of accomplishment into each session.

Create a Pre-Workout Ritual:

Sometimes, the key to crushing your workout lies in the preparation leading up to it. Creating a pre-workout routine serves as a mental and physical primer, signaling to your body that it’s time to shift gears. Whether it’s blasting your favorite energizing playlist (one of my favorite methods), indulging in a quick dynamic stretch, and/or savoring a nice cup of coffee, these rituals become your personal prelude to action. They act as a bridge between the burdens of the day and the intensity of your workout, providing a fitting psychological cue that it’s time to focus and get after it. Your chosen routine will not only add a touch of consistency to your overall fitness journey but also serves as a huge motivator. It won’t always be easy to keep it going but treating your wellbeing and creating this ritual will remind yourself of who you truly want to be.

Vary Your Workouts:

Repetition is a big factor that leads to boredom and decreased motivation in your workouts. By introducing diversity, you create a big game-changer that keeps exercising interesting and enjoyable. Switch up your exercises, re-evaluate your goals and create different workouts to achieve them, or venture into new workout formats. This not only keeps things interesting but also challenges your body in unique ways, preventing it from hitting a plateau. By embracing variety, you’ll discover renewed enthusiasm whether it’s trying a new sport, incorporating bodyweight exercises, or experimenting with high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Change The Intensity:

Adjusting the intensity of your workout can be a strategic move to ensure you still get the job done. On days when fatigue weighs heavily, consider lowering the intensity while maintaining consistency. Try a lighter set of weights or a gentler pace during cardio. The key here is not to let the momentum fade completely. On the flip side, consider a shorter, high-intensity approach. Increase the intensity by pushing for higher weights, incorporating explosive movements, or reducing rest intervals between sets. This way, you’re trading duration for intensity, ensuring a swift and efficient workout that still leaves you feeling accomplished.


Written by:

Dan Aquino – ASFA-CPT


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Can’t find time to workout?

Can’t find time to workout?

Can’t Find Time to Workout?

Can’t find time to workout?

Finding time to prioritize our physical well-being often takes a back seat to the demands of work, family, and other commitments. The big struggle of “Can’t Find Time to Workout?” resonates with many, but it’s crucial to recognize that incorporating exercise into our routine is not just a luxury but a necessity. Let us delve into practical strategies and mindset shifts that can empower even the busiest individuals to carve out those important moments that keep us on track to accomplish our fitness goals. If you’ve ever felt the challenge of time constraints hindering your fitness goals, this guide is your roadmap to reclaiming those precious moments for a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Establishing a Consistent Routine:

The notion of “Can’t Find Time to Workout?” often stems from the lack of a structured plan. However, by weaving exercise into the fabric of our daily lives and treating it as a non-negotiable aspect of our routine, this time slot becomes tangible. It can feel tedious crafting a consistent workout schedule that aligns with your lifestyle, but no one knows your schedule and lifestyle as well as you. We can designate specific days and times for exercise to gradually increasing the duration and intensity, building a routine not only fosters discipline but also transforms physical activity into an indispensable habit. There’s always the commitment of it but don’t overload your plate jumping into something too difficult to keep up with. You can always start small and make changes as you adapt to this new routine.

Accountability and Social Support:

When the clock never seems to be on your side, having a support system can make all the difference. Instead of stressing over making the time, talk to your friends  buddies, people who embody the lifestyle change you want, and the personal trainers who’ve got your back. Personal trainers are the fairy godparent, offering guidance and that extra push when needed without the hassle of figuring out what to do and how you’ll get there. They are a direct way to ensure you’re not just paying for their services but the results and change you want while also making a friend who will guide you there. And let’s not forget your squad – the friends, family, or online buddies who turn sweating it out into a group activity. So, if you’ve been dancing around the idea of a fitness journey alone, it’s time for partnerships and getting the help to boost you into the person you want to be.

Making Time for What Matters to You!:

Alright, let’s talk real life priorities. It’s time to flip the script and make time for the good stuff… you! I know how it feels to experience the guilt trips and the disappointment of “I was going to but….”. Putting what matters to you NEEDS to be front and center. It’s not just about squeezing in a workout; it’s about prioritizing your wellbeing, health, and happiness. Make time less for the unnecessary and embrace your essential wants and needs. You will be giving a big, bold shout-out to self-care. I know you’re tired of watching your workout goals play hide-and-seek, so let us get ready to make time for the things that truly light you up. It’s time you make those efforts into creating the better, happier, healthier you!


Written by:

Dan Aquino – ASFA-CPT


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